
Collection methods and properties.


The Collection object gives ways to query or create collection documents.

Collections exist as top-level objects in the FQL global namespace. A Collection object is analogous to a table in a relational database. Each collection has a collection definition document stored in a Fauna database and has properties and methods to query, create, or change documents in the collection.

See the Aliasing section on collection naming.

Document definition

Index definition

Constraint definitions

Computed field definition

Static methods

Method Description

Dynamically get the Collection by name.

Get the set of all accessible Collection objects.

Get a Collection document by its name.

Create a Collection.

Get the first matching accessible Collection.

Get the name of the Collection collection as a string.

Get the set of accessible Collections in the database.

Instance methods

Method Description

Get the set of all documents in the Collection.

Get a document by its document ID.

Create a document in the Collection.

Create a document in the Collection with a data field.

Delete the Collection instance.

Test if a Collection exists.

Get the first matching accessible document in the Collection.

Replace the existing fields with the provided fields.

Add the provided fields to the existing fields.

Get the set of matching accessible documents in the Collection.

Get the Set of matching documents in the defined Collection index.

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