fauna run-queries

Run the queries from a file.


fauna run-queries [<DBNAME>] [<QUERY>] [--[no-]color ]
  [--file <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment <value>]
  [--format json|json-tagged|shell] [--output <value>]
  [--secret <value>] [--stdin] [--timeout <value>]
  [--typecheck] [--url <value>] [--version 4|10]


Run the queries provided in file.

By default, this command supports FQL v10 queries. For FQL v4 queries, use the --version 4 option.

FQL v4 access

Fauna accounts created after August 21, 2024 can’t use --version 4 or otherwise run FQL v4 queries.


Argument Description


Database name.


FQL query to run.


Option Description


Enables or disables color formatting for the output. Color formatting is enabled by default if the terminal supports it (determined using chalk/supports-color). Use --no-color to disable.


Connection endpoint from .fauna-shell.


Environment to use, from a Fauna project.


Name of file with queries to run.


Output format:


Help for run-queries command.


File to write output to.


Authentication secret. Overrides the secret in .fauna-shell.

Use a scoped key to interact with a child database using a parent database’s admin key.

For example, with a parent database’s admin key secret of fn123, you can access a child database by appending the child database name and role: fn123:childDB:admin.


Read file input from stdin. Write to stdout by default.


Connection timeout (milliseconds).


Enable typechecking.


Database URL. Overrides the URL in .fauna-shell.


FQL Version:
     4 = FQL version 4
     10 = (default) FQL version 10


fauna run-queries dbname --file=/path/to/queries.fql

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