Check a secret’s user-defined roles

Learn: Roles

This guide covers how to check the user-defined roles assigned to a Fauna authentication secret using a user-defined collection and user-defined functions (UDFs).

  1. Create a collection schema for the RoleCheck collection:

    // Defines the `RoleCheck` collection.
    // The collection will contain a document for each
    // user-defined role.
    collection RoleCheck {
      // Defines the `byName()` index.
      // Use the index to get `RoleCheck` collection documents by
      // their `name`.
      index byName {
         terms: [.name]
  2. Create function schema for the currentRoles and hasRole UDFs:

    // Defines the `currentRoles()` UDF.
    // Return an Array of user-defined roles.
    // Ex: ["customer", "manager"]
    function currentRoles() {
    // Defines the `hasRole()` UDF.
    // Takes a role as an argument. Returns `true` or `false`.
    function hasRole(role) {
      RoleCheck.byName(role) != null

    Commit the schema to Fauna with a staged schema change using the Dashboard or the Fauna CLI.

  3. Run the following FQL query with a secret that uses the built-in admin or server roles. The query populates the RoleCheck collection with a document for each user-defined role.

    // Gets all user-defined roles as an Array.
    let roles = Role.all().toArray()
    // Creates a `RoleCheck` collection document for
    // each role in the previous Array. => {
      RoleCheck.create({ name: })
  4. Run the following FQL query to add privileges for the new collection and UDFs to existing user-defined roles.

    // Gets all user-defined roles as an Array.
    let roles = Role.all().toArray()
    // Adds privileges for the new collection and UDFs to each role
    // in the previous Array. => {
      let newPrivileges = role.privileges.concat([
        { resource: "RoleCheck", actions: { read: "doc => == '#{}'" } },
        { resource: "HasRole", actions: { call: true } },
        { resource: "CurrentRoles", actions: { call: true } }
      role.update({ privileges: newPrivileges })
  5. Run the HasRole() and CurrentRoles() in FQL queries using secrets assigned to various roles:

    // Secret with the built-in `admin` role.
    currentRoles()      // ["customer", "manager"]
    hasRole("customer") // true
    hasRole("manager")  // true
    // Secret with the user-defined `customer` role.
    currentRoles()      // ["customer"]
    hasRole("customer") // true
    hasRole("manager")  // false
    // Secret with the user-defined `manager` role.
    currentRoles()      // ["manager"]
    hasRole("customer") // false
    hasRole("manager")  // true

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