fauna delete-key

Delete a database key.


fauna delete-key <KEY_NAME> [--[no-]color ] [--endpoint <value>]
  [--environment <value>] [--secret <value>] [--timeout <value>]
  [--url <value>]


The delete-key command deletes a key.


Argument Description


Name of the key to delete.


Option Description


Enables or disables color formatting for the output. Color formatting is enabled by default if the terminal supports it (determined using chalk/supports-color). Use --no-color to disable.


Connection endpoint from .fauna-shell.


Environment to use, from a Fauna project.


Help for create-database command.


Authentication secret. Overrides the secret in .fauna-shell.

Use a scoped key to interact with a child database using a parent database’s admin key.

For example, with a parent database’s admin key secret of fn123, you can access a child database by appending the child database name and role: fn123:childDB:admin.


Connection timeout (milliseconds).


Database URL. Overrides the URL in .fauna-shell.


There are already four keys for this example:

fauna list-keys

The response includes each key’s ID, database, and role. It doesn’t include the key’s secret:

Key ID               Database             Role
259718958404338186   prod                 server
259719743570706945   prod                 client
265528117038154259   childDB              admin
265437820880945683   childDB              admin

Now, delete the first key in the list:

fauna delete-key 259718958404338186

List the keys again:

fauna list-keys

The key you deleted is now gone:

Key ID               Database             Role
259719743570706945   prod                 client
265528117038154259   childDB              admin
265437820880945683   childDB              admin

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