
Fauna integrates with several third-party services and platforms.


Use Auth0 to authenticate your users with Fauna.

Use Amazon Cognito to authenticate with Fauna.

Use Clerk to authenticate your users with Fauna.

Use Microsoft Entra to authenticate with Fauna.

Cloud infrastructure


Deploy a multi-tenant SaaS app using Fauna and AWS.

Use Fauna with Cloudflare Workers to build serverless apps.

Use Fauna with Fastly’s Compute@Edge to build serverless apps.

Use to deploy Fauna-powered apps.

Use Vercel to deploy Fauna-powered apps.


Manage FSL schema using a CI/CD pipeline in GitHub.

Manage FSL schema using a CI/CD pipeline in GitLab.


Send Fauna Logs to Datadog.

Use Algolia for search in your Fauna-powered apps.

Workflow orchestration

Use Temporal with Fauna to manage long-running workflows in distributed app.

Manage OAuth apps

Some integrations, such as the Cloudflare Worker integration, automatically create an OAuth client app in your Fauna account when you connect them.

To view your account’s OAuth apps, go to Account > OAuth Apps in the Fauna Dashboard.

OAuth Apps in the Fauna Dashboard

You can delete the app to disable the integration.

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