
Gets a page of paginated results using an after cursor.


Set.paginate(cursor: String): Page<any>

Set.paginate(cursor: String, count: Number): Page<any>


The Set.paginate() method gets a page of paginated results using an after cursor.

The default page size of 16 can be changed using the set.paginate() or set.pageSize() method, in the range 1 to 16000 (inclusive).

The cursor is stable in the sense that pagination through a set is done for a fixed snapshot time, giving you a view of your data as it existed across the whole set at the instant you started paginating. For example, given set [a, b, c] when you start paginating, one item at a time, even if you delete item c after you started reading the set, item c is returned.

The exception is if the history is no longer available for the deleted item because history_days is set to the default value of 0 or is less than the minimum valid time needed. In that case, the deleted item is not returned with the paginated results and an error is returned:
Requested timestamp <time> less than minimum allowed timestamp..

A cursor is valid for history_days plus 15 minutes.


Parameter Type Required Description




Encoded string representing a pagination cursor, a Base64-encoded object representing the state of a Set during pagination.



Number of Set values to return in a page.

Return value

Type Description


An object with:


Set values as an Array or page.


A cursor that is included when there are more pages available. The cursor is valid for history_days plus 15 minutes.


Basic example

  1. The page includes a pagination cursor:

    Product.all().pageSize(2) { name }
      data: [
          name: "cups"
          name: "pinata"
      after: "hdWC1Y..."
  2. Use the cursor to access the next page:

      data: [
          name: "pizza"
          name: "avocados"
      after: "hdWC1Y..."

Paginate in reverse

Paginated queries don’t include a before cursor. Instead, you can use a range search and document IDs or other unique field values to paginate in reverse. For example:

  1. Run an initial paginated query:

      data: [
          id: "111",
          coll: Product,
          ts: Time("2099-08-16T14:00:59.075Z"),
          name: "cups",
          id: "222",
          coll: Product,
          ts: Time("2099-08-16T14:00:59.075Z"),
          name: "donkey pinata",
      after: "hdW..."
  2. Page forward until you find the document you want to start reversing from:


    Copy the ID of the document:

      data: [
          id: "333",
          coll: Product,
          ts: Time("2099-08-16T14:00:59.075Z"),
          name: "pizza",
          // Begin reverse pagination from this doc ID.
          id: "444",
          coll: Product,
          ts: Time("2099-08-16T14:00:59.075Z"),
          name: "avocados",
      after: "hdW..."
  3. To reverse paginate, run the original query with:

    // "444" is the ID of the document to reverse from.
    Product.all({ to: "444" }).reverse().pageSize(2)
      data: [
          // The results of the previous query are reversed.
          id: "444",
          coll: Product,
          ts: Time("2099-08-16T14:00:59.075Z"),
          name: "avocados",
          id: "333",
          coll: Product,
          ts: Time("2099-08-16T14:00:59.075Z"),
          name: "pizza",
      after: "hdW..."

    To get historical snapshots of documents at the time of the original query, use an at expression:

    // Time of the original query.
    let originalQueryTime = Time.fromString("2099-08-16T14:30:00.000Z")
    at (originalQueryTime) {
      // "444" is the ID of the document to reverse from.
      Product.all({ to: "444" }).reverse().pageSize(2)
  4. Repeat the previous step to continue paginating in reverse:

    Product.all({ to: "333" }).reverse().pageSize(2)

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