Check out v4 of the Fauna CLI

v4 of the Fauna CLI is now GA.

The new version introduces enhancements to the developer experience, including an improved authentication workflow. To get started, check out the CLI v4 quick start.

Migrating from v3 of the CLI? See the CLI migration guide.


Learn: Keys

Create a key.


Key.create(data: { role: String, database: String | Null, ttl: Time | Null, data: { *: Any } | Null }) => Key


Creates a key with the provided document fields. Fauna stores keys as documents in the Key system collection.

A key is a type of authentication secret used for anonymous access to a Fauna database. Unlike tokens, keys are not associated with an identity.


Parameter Type Required Description




Document fields for the new Key document.

For supported document fields, see Key collection.

Return value

Type Description


The new Key document. Includes the key’s secret, which you can use to authenticate with Fauna.

A key’s secret is shown once — when you create the key. You can’t recover or regenerate a lost key secret. Instead, delete the key and create a new one.


Create a key with a user-defined role and which expires tomorrow:

Key.create({role: "admin", ttl:, "day")})
  id: "412655134325080576",
  coll: Key,
  ts: Time("2099-07-28T02:23:51.300Z"),
  ttl: Time("2099-07-29T02:23:51.189192Z"),
  secret: "fn...",
  role: "admin"

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