JVM client driver
Version: 0.2.0-B1 | Repository: fauna/fauna-jvm |
Fauna’s JVM client driver lets you run FQL queries from Java applications.
This guide shows how to set up the driver and use it to run FQL queries.
This driver can only be used with FQL v10. It’s not compatible with earlier versions of FQL. To use earlier FQL versions, use the faunadb-jvm driver. |
The driver is available on the Maven central repository. You can add the driver to your Java project using Gradle or Maven.
API reference
API reference documentation for the driver is available at https://fauna.github.io/fauna-jvm/.
Basic usage
The following application:
Initializes a client instance to connect to Fauna.
Composes a basic FQL query using an FQL template.
Runs the query using
package org.example;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import com.fauna.client.Fauna;
import com.fauna.client.FaunaClient;
import com.fauna.exception.FaunaException;
import com.fauna.query.builder.Query;
import com.fauna.response.QuerySuccess;
import com.fauna.types.Page;
import static com.fauna.codec.Generic.pageOf;
import static com.fauna.query.builder.Query.fql;
public class App {
// Define class for `Product` documents
// in expected results.
public static class Product {
public String name;
public String description;
public Integer price;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// Initialize a default client.
// It will get the secret from the $FAUNA_SECRET environment variable.
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client();
// Compose a query.
Query query = fql("""
Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh() {
// Run the query synchronously.
System.out.println("Running synchronous query:");
runSynchronousQuery(client, query);
// Run the query asynchronously.
System.out.println("\nRunning asynchronous query:");
runAsynchronousQuery(client, query);
} catch (FaunaException e) {
System.err.println("Fauna error occurred: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
private static void runSynchronousQuery(FaunaClient client, Query query) throws FaunaException {
// Use `query()` to run a synchronous query.
// Synchronous queries block the current thread until the query completes.
// Accepts the query, expected result class, and a nullable set of query options.
QuerySuccess<Page<Product>> result = client.query(query, pageOf(Product.class));
private static void runAsynchronousQuery(FaunaClient client, Query query) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
// Use `asyncQuery()` to run an asynchronous, non-blocking query.
// Accepts the query, expected result class, and a nullable set of query options.
CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<Page<Product>>> futureResult = client.asyncQuery(query, pageOf(Product.class));
QuerySuccess<Page<Product>> result = futureResult.get();
// Iterate through the products in the page.
private static void printResults(Page<Product> page) {
for (Product product : page.getData()) {
System.out.println("Name: " + product.name);
System.out.println("Description: " + product.description);
System.out.println("Price: " + product.price);
// Print the `after` cursor to paginate through results.
System.out.println("After: " + page.getAfter());
Connect to Fauna
Each Fauna query is an independently authenticated request to the Query HTTP API endpoint. You authenticate with Fauna using an authentication secret.
Get an authentication secret
Fauna supports several secret types. For testing, you can create a key, which is a type of secret:
Log in to the Fauna Dashboard.
In the Dashboard, create a database and navigate to it.
In the upper left pane of Dashboard’s Explorer page, click the demo database, and click the Keys tab.
Click Create Key.
Choose a Role of Server.
Click Save.
Copy the Key Secret. The secret is scoped to the database.
Initialize a client
To send query requests to Fauna, initialize a FaunaClient
instance with a
Fauna authentication secret. You can pass the secret in a FaunaConfig
FaunaConfig config = FaunaConfig.builder().secret("FAUNA_SECRET").build();
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client(config);
For supported properties, see FaunaConfig.Builder in the API reference.
Use an environment variable
If not specified, secret
defaults to the FAUNA_SECRET
environment variable.
For example:
// Defaults to the secret in the `FAUNA_SECRET` env var.
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client();
Multiple connections
You can use a single client instance to run multiple asynchronous queries at once. The driver manages HTTP connections as needed. Your app doesn’t need to implement connection pools or other connection management strategies.
You can create multiple client instances to connect to Fauna using different secrets or client configurations.
Run FQL queries
Use fql
templates to compose FQL queries. To run the query, pass the template
and an expected result class to query()
or asyncQuery()
Query query = fql("Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh()");
QuerySuccess<Page<Product>> result = client.query(query, pageOf(Product.class));
You can also pass a nullable set of query options to
or asyncQuery()
. These options control how the query runs in Fauna.
See Query options.
Define a custom class for your data
Use annotations to map a Java class to a Fauna document or object shape:
import com.fauna.annotation.FaunaField;
import com.fauna.annotation.FaunaId;
class Person {
private String id;
private String firstName;
@FaunaField( name = "dob")
private String dateOfBirth;
You can use the com.fauna.annotation
package to modify encoding and decoding
of specific fields in classes used as arguments and results of queries:
: Should only be used once per class and be associated with a field namedid
that represents the Fauna document ID. It’s not encoded unless theisClientGenerated
flag istrue
. -
: Should only be used once per class and be associated with a field namedts
that represents the timestamp of a document. It’s not encoded. -
: Typically goes unmodeled. Should only be used once per class and be associated with a field namedcoll
that represents the collection field of a document. It will never be encoded. -
: Can be associated with any field to override its name in Fauna. -
: Can be used to ignore fields during encoding and decoding.
Use classes in the com.fauna.codec
package to handle type erasure when the
top-level result of a query is a generic, including:
is the element type. -
is the element type. -
is the value type. -
is the value type. -
is the value type. This is specifically for cases when you return a Fauna document that may be null and want to receive a concreteNullDocument<T>
instead of catching aNullDocumentException
Variable interpolation
Use ${}
to pass native Java variables to FQL. You can escape a variable by
prepending an additional $
// Create a native Java var.
var collectionName = "Product";
// Pass the var to an FQL query.
Query query = fql("""
let collection = Collection(${collectionName})
"collectionName", collectionName
Passed variables are encoded to an appropriate type and passed to Fauna’s HTTP API. This helps prevent injection attacks.
Use paginate()
to asynchronously iterate through sets that contain more than
one page of results.
accepts the same query options as query()
import com.fauna.client.Fauna;
import com.fauna.client.FaunaClient;
import com.fauna.client.PageIterator;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client();
// Paginate will make an async request to Fauna.
PageIterator<Product> iter1 = client.paginate(fql("Product.all()"), Product.class);
// Handle each page. `PageIterator` extends the Java Iterator interface.
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
Page<Product> page = iter1.next();
List<Product> pageData = page.data();
// Do something with your data.
PageIterator<Product> iter2 = client.paginate(fql("Product.all()"), Product.class);
// You can use `flatten()` on `PageIterator` to iterate over every
// element in a set.
Iterator<Product> productIter = iter2.flatten();
List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();
// Iterate over Product elements without worrying about pages.
iter2.forEachRemaining((Product p) -> products.add(p));
Query statistics
Successful query responses and ServiceException
exceptions include query
package org.example;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import com.fauna.client.Fauna;
import com.fauna.client.FaunaClient;
import com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig;
import com.fauna.exception.FaunaException;
import com.fauna.exception.ServiceException;
import com.fauna.query.builder.Query;
import static com.fauna.query.builder.Query.fql;
import com.fauna.response.QueryResponse;
import com.fauna.response.QuerySuccess;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FaunaConfig config = FaunaConfig.builder().secret("<FAUNA_SECRET>").build();
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client(config);
Query query = fql("'Hello world'");
CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<String>> futureResponse = client.asyncQuery(query, String.class);
QueryResponse response = futureResponse.get();
} catch (FaunaException e) {
if (e instanceof ServiceException) {
ServiceException serviceException = (ServiceException) e;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
Client configuration
You can pass a FaunaConfig
object to customize the configuration of a
FaunaConfig config = new FaunaConfig.Builder()
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client(config);
For properties, see FaunaConfig.Builder in the API reference.
Environment variables
By default, secret
and endpoint
default to the respective FAUNA_SECRET
environment variables.
For example, if you set the following environment variables:
export FAUNA_ENDPOINT=https://db.fauna.com/
You can initialize the client with a default configuration:
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client();
Query options
You can pass a QueryOptions
object to query()
or asyncQuery()
to control
how a query runs in Fauna. You can also use query options to instrument
a query for monitoring and debugging.
Query query = Query.fql("Hello World");
QueryOptions options = QueryOptions.builder()
.queryTags(Map.of("tag", "value"))
QuerySuccess result = client.query(query, String.class, options);
For properties, see QueryOptions.Builder in the API reference.
Event streaming
The driver supports Event streams.
To get a stream token, append
to a set from a
supported source.
To start and subscribe to the stream, use a stream token to create a
and pass the StreamRequest
to stream()
or asyncStream()
// Get a stream token.
Query query = fql("Product.all().toStream() { name, stock }");
QuerySuccess<StreamTokenResponse> tokenResponse = client.query(query, StreamTokenResponse.class);
String streamToken = tokenResponse.getData().getToken();
// Create a StreamRequest.
StreamRequest request = new StreamRequest(streamToken);
// Use stream() when you want to ensure the stream is ready before proceeding
// with other operations, or when working in a synchronous context.
FaunaStream<Product> stream = client.stream(request, Product.class);
// Use asyncStream() when you want to start the stream operation without blocking,
// which is useful in asynchronous applications or when you need to perform other
// tasks while waiting for the stream to be established.
CompletableFuture<FaunaStream<Product>> futureStream = client.asyncStream(request, Product.class);
Alternatively, you can pass an FQL query that returns a stream token to stream()
Query query = fql("Product.all().toStream() { name, stock }");
// Create and subscribe to a stream in one step.
// stream() example:
FaunaStream<Product> stream = client.stream(query, Product.class);
// asyncStream() example:
CompletableFuture<FaunaStream<Product>> futureStream = client.asyncStream(query, Product.class);
Create a subscriber class
The methods return a FaunaStream
publisher that lets you handle events as they
arrive. Create a class with the Flow.Subscriber
interface to process
package org.example;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import com.fauna.client.Fauna;
import com.fauna.client.FaunaClient;
import com.fauna.client.FaunaStream;
import com.fauna.exception.FaunaException;
import static com.fauna.query.builder.Query.fql;
import com.fauna.response.StreamEvent;
// Import the Product class for event data.
import org.example.Product;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
try {
FaunaClient client = Fauna.client();
// Create a stream of all products. Project the name and stock.
FaunaStream<Product> stream = client.stream(fql("Product.all().toStream() { name, stock }"), Product.class);
// Create a subscriber to handle stream events.
ProductSubscriber subscriber = new ProductSubscriber();
// Wait for the subscriber to complete.
} catch (FaunaException e) {
System.err.println("Fauna error occurred: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
static class ProductSubscriber implements Flow.Subscriber<StreamEvent<Product>> {
private final AtomicInteger eventCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
private Flow.Subscription subscription;
private final int maxEvents;
private final CountDownLatch completionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
public ProductSubscriber() {
// Stream closes after 3 events.
this.maxEvents = 3;
public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) {
this.subscription = subscription;
public void onNext(StreamEvent<Product> event) {
// Handle each event...
int count = eventCount.incrementAndGet();
System.out.println("Received event " + count + ":");
System.out.println(" Type: " + event.getType());
System.out.println(" Cursor: " + event.getCursor());
System.out.println(" Timestamp: " + event.getTimestamp());
System.out.println(" Data: " + event.getData().orElse(null));
if (count >= maxEvents) {
System.out.println("Closing stream after " + maxEvents + " events");
} else {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
System.err.println("Error in stream: " + throwable.getMessage());
public void onComplete() {
System.out.println("Stream completed.");
public int getEventCount() {
return eventCount.get();
public void awaitCompletion() throws InterruptedException {
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