fauna login

fauna login [flags]

To perform an interactive login, the CLI runs a local HTTP server at to receive an authentication code from Fauna.

This setup is not supported in environments with an isolated network stack, such as Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or other virtualized environments. Use an alternative authentication method, such as account keys or secrets.

Log in to Fauna using a web-based browser flow.

This command is used to set up authentication using an interactive login.

If you’re using the CLI for scripts, CI/CD, or other automated workflows, we recommend using account keys, secrets, or a local Fauna container instead. See Authentication.

Use --user to specify a user to log in as. If omitted, --user defaults to default.

The --user argument can be any string. --user is only used by the CLI to store and retrieve Fauna account keys. The --user is not passed to Fauna itself. See How interactive login works.

After logging in, you can authenticate other CLI commands by specifying the --user, a --database, and an optional --role.

You can’t use this command to log in to or authenticate with a local Fauna container. See local Fauna container authentication.



Enable color formatting for output. Enabled by default. Use --no-color to disable.


Output results as JSON.


Suppress all log messages except fatal errors. Output only command results. Overrides --verbosity and --verbose-component.

--config <string>

Path to a CLI config file to use. If provided, must specify a profile.

-p, --profile <string>

Profile from the CLI config file. A profile is a group of CLI settings.

--verbose-component <array>

Components to emit logs for. Overrides --verbosity.

Accepts the following values:

  • argv

  • config

  • creds

  • error

  • fetch

Pass values as a space-separated list. Example: --verbose-component argv config.

--verbosity <number>

Least critical log level to emit. Accepts integers ranging from 1 (fatal) to 5 (debug). Lower values represent more critical logs. Log messages with a level greater than this value are not logged.

-h, --help

Show help.


Show the Fauna CLI version.

-u, --user <string>

User to log in as. Defaults to default.


# Log in as the 'default' user.
fauna login

# Log in as the `john_doe` user.
fauna login --user john_doe

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