Query summary

Responses from the Fauna Core HTTP API’s Query endpoint include a summary property containing a JSON-escaped string.

The summary contains a human-readable description of errors, warnings, or custom messages returned by the query. If an error or warning, the summary includes the location of the issue and a hint for resolving it, if applicable.

Error summaries

Error responses include a summary that describes the issue causing the error.

For example, the following FQL query attempts to create and call a collection in the same query:

Collection.create({name: "Foo"})

Collection("Foo").create({ bar: "baz"})

The query as a Query endpoint request:

curl -X POST \
'https://db.fauna.com/query/1' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Format: tagged' \
-d '{
  "query": "Collection.create({name: \"Foo\"})\n\nCollection(\"Foo\").create({ bar: \"baz\"})"


  "error": {
    "code": "invalid_argument",
    "message": "invalid argument `collection`: No such user collection `Foo`."
  "summary": "error: invalid argument `collection`: No such user collection `Foo`.\nat *query*:3:11\n  |\n3 | Collection(\"Foo\").create({ bar: \"baz\"})\n  |           ^^^^^^^\n  |\nhint: A collection cannot be created and used in the same query.\n  |\n3 | Collection(\"Foo\").create({ bar: \"baz\"})\n  |           ^^^^^^^\n  |",

When unescaped, the response’s summary renders as:

error: invalid argument `collection`: No such user collection `Foo`.
at *query*:3:11
3 | Collection("Foo").create({ bar: "baz"})
  |           ^^^^^^^
hint: A collection cannot be created and used in the same query.
3 | Collection("Foo").create({ bar: "baz"})
  |           ^^^^^^^

Warning summaries

If typechecking is enabled, queries that include a built-in method but don’t call the method return a warning in the summary.

For example, the following FQL query omits the parentheses (()) on a Time.now() call:


The query as a Query endpoint request:

 curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/query/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Format: tagged' \
  -d '{
    "query": "Time.now"


  "data": "[function now()]",
  "static_type": "() => Time",
  "summary": "warning: Function is not called.\nat *query*:1:1\n  |\n1 | Time.now\n  | ^^^^^^^^\n  |\nhint: Call the function.\n  |\n1 | Time.now()\n  |         ++\n  |",

When unescaped, the response’s summary renders as:

warning: Function is not called.
at *query*:1:1
1 | Time.now
  | ^^^^^^^^
hint: Call the function.
1 | Time.now()
  |         ++

Similarly, queries that include an anonymous function but don’t call the FQL return a warning in the summary.

For example, the following FQL query defines a function but doesn’t call it:

(x, y) => x + y

The query as a Query endpoint request:

 curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/query/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Format: tagged' \
  -d '{
    "query": "(x, y) => x + y"


  "data": "[function <lambda>]",
  "static_type": "((Number, Number) => Number) & ((String, String) => String)",
  "summary": "warning: Function is not called.\nat *query*:1:1\n  |\n1 | (x, y) => x + y\n  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n  |\nhint: Call the function.\n  |\n1 | (x, y) => x + y()\n  |                ++\n  |",

When unescaped, the response’s summary renders as:

warning: Function is not called.
at *query*:1:1
1 | (x, y) => x + y
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
hint: Call the function.
1 | (x, y) => x + y()
  |                ++

Log and debug messages

You can use the log() and dbg() FQL methods to pass custom messages to the summary.

Log messages

Use log() to pass messages to the summary. The messages are annotated as info.

log() is similar to console.log() or print() in other programming languages. log() supports interpolated strings containing FQL variables.

For example, the following FQL query logs several summary messages:

log("Before assignment")
let x = 5
let y = { lat: 37.5542782, long: -122.3007394 }
log("After assignment x=#{x}")

The query as a Query endpoint request:

 curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/query/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Format: tagged' \
  -d '{
    "query": "log(\"Before assignment\")\nlet x = 5\nlet y = { lat: 37.5542782, long: -122.3007394 }\nlog(\"After assignment x=#{x}\")\nlog(y)\nx\n"

Unlike dbg(), log() does not return a value. The message is excluded from the query results in data.

The summary includes the query lines that called log():

  "data": {
    "@int": "5"
  "static_type": "5",
  "summary": "info at *query*:1: Before assignment\n\ninfo at *query*:4: After assignment x=5\n\ninfo at *query*:5: { lat: 37.5542782, long: -122.3007394 }",

When unescaped, the response’s summary renders as:

"info at *query*:1: Before assignment

info at *query*:4: After assignment x=5

info at *query*:5: { lat: 37.5542782, long: -122.3007394 }

Debug messages

dbg() is similar to log() except that it returns its message in the actual query result.

You can use dbg() inline within method calls for debugging.

For example, the following FQL query uses dbg() within a collection.create() call:

let x = "key limes"

  // `dbg()` outputs its message. In this case,
  // it outputs an object containing the `name`
  // and `stock` properties.
    name: "#{x}",
    stock: 1 + 2 + 3,

The query as a Query endpoint request:

 curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/query/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Format: tagged' \
  -d '{
    "query": "let x = \"key limes\"\n\nProduct.create(\n dbg({\n    name: \"#{x}\",\n    stock: 1 + 2 + 3,\n  })\n)"

The message is included in the query results in data. The summary includes the query lines that called dbg():

  "data": {
    "@doc": {
      "id": "413921254218661965",
      "coll": {
        "@mod": "Product"
      "ts": {
        "@time": "2099-11-07T18:41:59.173Z"
      "name": "key limes",
      "stock": {
        "@int": "6"
  "static_type": "Product",
  "summary": "info: { name: \"key limes\", stock: 6 }\nat *query*:4:6\n  |\n4 |     dbg({\n  |  ______^\n5 | |     name: \"#{x}\",\n6 | |     stock: 1 + 2 + 3,\n7 | |   })\n  | |____^\n  |",

When unescaped, the response’s summary renders as:

info: { name: "key limes", stock: 6 }
at *query*:4:6
4 |     dbg({
  |  ______^
5 | |     name: "#{x}",
6 | |     stock: 1 + 2 + 3,
7 | |   })
  | |____^

Query summaries in client drivers

Fauna’s client drivers include summary values in a query info or query response class. This class is used for both successful query responses and errors:

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