
Get the set of all documents in the collection.


all(): Set<Document>

all(range: {from: Any, to: Any}): Set<Document>


The collection object .all() method returns the set of all documents in the collection for the given range.

If all() is the last expression in a query, the first page of the Set is returned.


Parameter Type Required Description



Object describing the range. Returns all members of the set greater than or equal to from and less than or equal to to, including duplicates for an unordered set. If range is omitted, the method returns all collection objects.

Ranges for documents are accepted only by document ID, such that myDocument.all( {from: myDocument.byid(123)} ) returns all documents beginning with and including document ID 123.

range fields

Name Type Required Description



Beginning of range.



End of range.

Return value

Type Description


All documents in the collection in the given range.


  1. First, get all documents in the collection instance:

      data: [
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "party",
          description: "Party Supplies"
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "frozen",
          description: "Frozen Foods"
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "produce",
          description: "Fresh Produce"
  2. Use a range parameter to get all documents beginning with a given document:

    let frozen = Category.byName("frozen").first()
    Category.all({from: frozen})
      data: [
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "frozen",
          description: "Frozen Foods"
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "produce",
          description: "Fresh Produce"
  3. Get all documents beginning up to a given document:

    let frozen = Category.byName("frozen").first()
    Category.all({to: frozen})
      data: [
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "party",
          description: "Party Supplies"
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "frozen",
          description: "Frozen Foods"
  4. Get all documents between the given from and to range parameters, inclusive:

    let party = Category.byName("party").first()
    let frozen = Category.byName("frozen").first()
    Category.all({from: party, to: frozen})
      data: [
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "party",
          description: "Party Supplies"
          id: "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          coll: Category,
          ts: Time("2099-07-30T21:56:38.130Z"),
          products: "hdW...",
          name: "frozen",
          description: "Frozen Foods"

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