
This method operates on an array. You typically fetch documents from a collection as a set, not an Array. For the equivalent Set method, see set instance methods.

For differences between Sets and Arrays, see Sets vs. Arrays.

Reduce an Array to a single, accumulated value by applying a function to each element. Iterates through elements from left to right. Uses the first element as the initial value.


reduce(reducer: A, A) => A => A | Null


The reduce() method iterates through each element in an Array to perform a rolling operation. For example, you can use reduce() to calculate a rolling sum, concatenate elements, or perform complex transformations.

reduce() calls a reducer callback function on each element of the Array from left to right. The reducer function takes two arguments:

  • The accumulator that holds the running result from previous iterations. The first element in the Array serves as the initial accumulator.

  • The current element’s value from the Array.

The method returns the result of the last iteration. The calling Array isn’t changed.

Fold family methods

FQL supports several methods for folds, which iteratively reduce an Array to a single value. These methods include:

The methods are similar but have the following differences:


Parameter Type Required Description




Anonymous FQL function to call on each Array element.

reducer parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description




Value returned by the previous reducer function call. On the first call, seed is passed as the accumulator.




The current element’s value.

Return value

Type Description

Any | Null

Result of the last reducer function call.


Reduce the Array elements to a single value:

["A", "B", "C"].reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur)

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