Check out v4 of the Fauna CLI
v4 of the Fauna CLI is now in beta. The new version introduces enhancements to the developer experience, including an improved authentication workflow. To get started, check out the CLI v4 quick start. |
Fauna CLI commands
Adds an endpoint to query databases. |
Adds a Fauna endpoint with login credentials. |
Creates a database. |
Creates a key to access a database. |
Selects an endpoint configuration entry as the default endpoint. |
Deletes a database. |
Deletes an endpoint entry from the configuration file. |
Deletes a database key. |
Adds an endpoint to |
Lists endpoints in |
Removes an endpoint from |
Sets the default endpoint. |
Adds an environment to the |
Lists environments available in |
Updates the default environment in |
Runs an FQL query. |
Displays the Fauna CLI help. |
Imports JSON files, CSV files, or directories into a collection. |
Lists child databases. |
Lists connection endpoints. |
Lists keys in the current database. |
Initializes a project directory by creating a
Runs the queries from a file. |
Abandons a staged schema change. |
Applies a staged schema change to the database. |
Prints the diff between local, staged, or active schema. |
Pulls a database’s remote |
Pushes a local directory of |
Prints the build status of a staged schema change. |
Starts an interactive Fauna session to run queries. |
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