Event Feeds and Event Streaming reference

An event stream emits an event whenever tracked changes are made to a database. Applications can consume the events in two ways:

  • Event Feeds : Asynchronous requests that poll the stream for paginated events.

  • Event Streaming: A real-time subscription that pushes events from the stream to your application using an open connection to Fauna.

Use cases

Event Feeds and Event Streaming are useful for building features that need to react to data changes, such as:

  • Change data capture (CDC)

  • Real-time dashboards

  • Chat apps

  • Pub/sub integration

  • Multiplayer games

Create an event stream

To create an event stream, call set.toStream() or set.changesOn() on a supported Set in an FQL query:

  • set.toStream() tracks events for any change to any document in the Set:

  • set.changesOn() accepts a list of document fields. It tracks events for changes to the specified fields for documents in the Set:


set.toStream() and set.changesOn() return a stream token:

  "data":"g9WD1YPG...", // Stream token
  "stats": {
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "read_ops": 0,
    "write_ops": 0,
    "query_time_ms": 30,
    "contention_retries": 0,
    "storage_bytes_read": 0,
    "storage_bytes_write": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

You can use the stream token to consume the stream and its events. The stream does not start until first consume it.

Consume an event stream

Applications typically consume event streams using a Fauna client driver. The drivers can consume a stream using an asynchronous Event Feed or a real-time Event Streaming subscription.

The drivers provide methods for defining, consuming, and iterating through streams without directly handling stream tokens.

Event Feeds

To use Event Feeds, you must have a Pro or Enterprise plan.

The following Fauna client drivers support Event Feeds:

Follow the links for driver-specific documentation and examples.

How Event Feeds work

To start an event stream and request an Event Feed for the stream, the client driver sends a request containing a stream token to the Event Feed HTTP API endpoint.

When you first poll an event stream using an Event Feed, you usually specify a start_ts (start timestamp). start_ts is an integer representing a time in microseconds since the Unix epoch. The request returns events that occurred after the specified timestamp (exclusive).

page_size limits the number of events returned per page:

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/changefeed/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>",
    "start_ts": 1710968002310000
    "page_size": 10

The response includes an array of events for the stream:

  "events": [
      "type": "update",
      "data": {
        "@doc": {
          "id": "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          "coll": {
            "@mod": "Product"
          "ts": {
            "@time": "2099-09-04T21:14:29.970Z"
          "name": "cups",
          "description": "Translucent 9 Oz, 100 ct",
      "txn_ts": 1725484469970000,
      "cursor": "gsGabc123",
      "stats": {
        "read_ops": 1,
        "storage_bytes_read": 320,
        "compute_ops": 1,
        "processing_time_ms": 1,
        "rate_limits_hit": []
  "cursor": "gsGabc456", // Top-level cursor
  "has_next": true,
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 9,
    "storage_bytes_read": 886,
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "processing_time_ms": 8,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

If the response’s has_next property is true, the response includes a top-level cursor property. The client driver can use this cursor to get the next page of events:

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/changefeed/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>",
    "cursor": "gsGabc456",
    "page_size": 10


  "events": [
      "type": "update",
      "data": {
        "@doc": {
          "id": "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
          "coll": {
            "@mod": "Product"
          "ts": {
            "@time": "2099-09-04T21:14:29.970Z"
          "name": "clear cups",
          "description": "Translucent 9 Oz, 100 ct",
      "txn_ts": 1725484469970000,
      "cursor": "gsGabc456",
      "stats": {
        "read_ops": 1,
        "storage_bytes_read": 320,
        "compute_ops": 1,
        "processing_time_ms": 1,
        "rate_limits_hit": []
  "cursor": "gsGabc789",
  "has_next": true,
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 9,
    "storage_bytes_read": 886,
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "processing_time_ms": 8,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

Get events after a specific start time

To get events after a specific time, the client driver uses the start_ts request body parameter:

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/changefeed/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>",
    "page_size": 10,
    "start_ts": 1710968002310000

start_ts must be later than the creation time of the stream token. The period between the request and the start_ts can’t exceed the history_days setting for the source Set’s collection. If history_days is 0 or unset, the period is limited to 15 minutes.

Get events after a specific event cursor

To get events from a previous event’s cursor, the client driver uses the cursor request body parameter. The stream will replay events that occurred after the cursor (exclusive):

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/changefeed/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>",
    "cursor": "gsGabc456",
    "page_size": 10

The period between the request and the cursor event’s txn_ts (transaction timestamp) can’t exceed the history_days setting for the source Set’s collection. If history_days is 0 or unset, the period is limited to 15 minutes.

Event Streaming

The following Fauna client drivers support real-time Event Streaming:

Follow the links for driver-specific documentation and examples.

How Event Streaming works

To start and subscribe to an event stream’s events in real time, the client driver sends a request containing the stream token to the Stream HTTP API endpoint:

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/stream/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>"

In response, the stream emits a status event, indicating the subscription has started.

  "type": "status",
  "txn_ts": 1710968002310000,
  "cursor": "gsGabc123",
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 8,
    "storage_bytes_read": 208,
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "processing_time_ms": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

The Stream API request's connection remains open. If a tracked change occurs, the stream emits a related add, remove, or update event. These events include the triggering document, encoded using the tagged format, in the data field:

  "type": "update",
  "data": {
    "@doc": {
      "id": "392914348360597540",
      "coll": { "@mod": "Product" },
      "ts": { "@time": "2099-03-21T12:35:18.680Z" },
      "name": "pizza",
      "description": "Frozen Cheese",
  "txn_ts": 1711024518680000,
  "cursor": "gsGdef456",
  "stats": {

If a change occurs between the creation of the stream token and the start of a stream, the stream replays and emits the related events when the stream starts.

Subscription disconnection

Fauna’s client drivers can detect connection loss and automatically reconnect disconnected Event Streaming subscriptions. Events that occur during network issues are replayed and emitted when the subscription reconnects.

When a subscription reconnects, the stream emits a new status event:

  "type": "status",
  "txn_ts": 1710968002310000,
  "cursor": "gsGabc123",
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 8,
    "storage_bytes_read": 208,
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "processing_time_ms": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

Restart an Event Streaming subscription

The Stream HTTP API endpoint supports two methods for restarting disconnected stream subscriptions:

The methods are mutually exclusive and can’t be used together.

Restart from an event cursor

To restart a stream from a previous event’s cursor, the client driver uses the cursor request body parameter. The restarted stream will replay events that occurred after the cursor (exclusive):

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/stream/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>",
    "cursor": "gsGabc123"

The period between the subscription restart and the cursor event’s txn_ts (transaction timestamp) can’t exceed the history_days setting for the source Set’s collection. If history_days is 0 or unset, the period is limited to 15 minutes.

Restart from a transaction timestamp

To restart a subscription from a transaction timestamp, the client driver uses the start_ts request body parameter. start_ts is an integer representing the subscription start time in microseconds since the Unix epoch:

curl -X POST \
  'https://db.fauna.com/stream/1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "token": "<STREAM_TOKEN>",
    "start_ts": 1710968002310000

start_ts must be later than the creation time of the stream token. The period between the subscription restart and the start_ts can’t exceed the history_days setting for the source Set’s collection. If history_days is 0 or unset, the period is limited to 15 minutes.

Event Streaming sample app

The Event Streaming sample app show how you can use Event Streaming to build a real-time chat app. You can use it as a starting point for your own app.

See Event Streaming sample app

Permission changes

If the authentication secret used to start a subscription is revoked or the secret’s privileges change, the subscription using the token closes due to permission loss. This applies even if the secret still has access to the documents the stream is tracking.

Supported sources

You can only create a stream on a Set from a supported source. The source affects the exact behavior of set.toStream() or set.changesOn().

Supported source Behavior

User-defined collection

  • set.toStream() emits events for any change to any document in the Set, including the addition or removal of documents.

  • set.changesOn() emits events for any change to specified document fields in the Set. It also emits events for changes that add or remove documents with the specified fields from the Set.

You can’t create a stream on a system collection.

User-defined index

  • set.toStream() emits events for changes to the index’s terms or values fields for documents in the Set. It also emits events for changes that add or remove documents from the Set.

  • set.changesOn() emits events for changes to specified terms or values fields in the Set. You can only specify terms or values fields.

You can’t create a stream on an index for a system collection.

  • set.toStream() emits events for changes to any field for the document.

  • set.changesOn() emits events for changes to specified fields for the document.

Collection streams

Calling set.toStream() directly on collection.all() tracks any change to any document in the collection.

The following query tracks any change to documents in the Product collection:


For example, if you change a Product document’s price to below 100_00, the stream emits an update event.

You can use collection.where() to filter the tracked documents for a collection.

For example, the following query only tracks Product documents with a price of less than 100_00.

Product.where(.price < 100_00).toStream()

If you change a Product document’s price from above 100_00 to below 100_00, the stream emits an add event. Before the change, the document would not have been part of the stream’s Set.

You can use set.changesOn() to only track changes to specific fields.

The following query tracks changes made to any Product document’s description. The stream doesn’t emit events for changes to other fields.


Index streams

Index streams only emit events for changes to the index’s terms or values fields.

For example, the following Product collection’s byCategory() index has:

  • A term field of category

  • Value fields of name and price

collection Product {

  *: Any

  index byCategory {
    terms [.category]
    values [.name, .price]

The following query only tracks changes to the category, name, or price fields for Product documents with a category of produce.

let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()

When called on an index, set.changesOn() only accepts the index’s terms or values fields as arguments.

For example, in the following query, set.changesOn() only accepts .category, .name, or .price as arguments.

let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
Product.byCategory(produce).changesOn(.category, .name)

Document streams

You can use streams to track changes to a Set containing a single document. These streams only emit events when the document changes.

Use Set.single() to create a Set from a document.

let product = Product.byId(111)!

Use set.changesOn() to only track changes to specific fields of the document.

let product = Product.byId(111)!
Set.single(product).changesOn(.name, .price)

Resource deletion

If the database or source for a stream is deleted, the stream won’t emit any further events. Subscriptions for the stream don’t automatically close.

Supported transformations and filters

Streams only support source Sets that are transformed or filtered using:

This ensures Fauna can convert the Set to a stream. Sets using unsupported transformations or filters will fail to convert.

For example, the Set for the following stream uses the unsupported set.drop() method.


Running the query returns the following error:

invalid_receiver: can't call `.toStream()` because streaming is not supported on sets returned from `.drop()`.
error: can't call `.toStream()` because streaming is not supported on sets returned from `.drop()`.
at *query*:1:32
1 | Product.all().drop(10).toStream()
  |                                ^^


Use set.where() to filter a stream’s source Set.

For example, the following query only tracks changes to Product documents with:

  • A category of produce

  • A price less than 100_00

let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
  .where(.category == produce)
  .where(.price < 100_00)

You can also call set.where() directly on set.toStream() or set.changesOn(). The following query is equivalent to the previous one.

let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
  .where(.category == produce)
  .where(.price < 100_00)

set.where() produces a new Set based on its criteria. The criteria affect the event types emitted for changes:

  • Creating a document in the Set produces an add event.

  • Updating a document so that it moves into the Set produces an add event.

  • Updating a document so that it remains in the Set produces an update event.

  • Updating a document so that it moves out of the Set produces a remove event.

  • Deleting a document from the Set produces a remove event.

  • Any other changes produce no events.

While filters affect events emitted for a stream, they don’t affect event processing, which impacts performance and cost. See How filters affect costs and performance.


A stream’s add and update event types include a data field. This field contains the document that triggered the event.

Use set.map() or projection to return only specific document fields in these events.

For example, the following query tracks changes to any field in any Product document. The query uses set.map() to only include the name and price document fields in the data field of add and update events.

  .map(product => {
    name: product.name,
    price: product.price

The following query uses projection and is equivalent to the previous one.

let products = Product.all() { name, price }

The previous queries can produce the following add event. The event’s data field includes only the name and price document fields.

  "type": "add",
  "data": { "name": "pizza", "price": "1599" },
  "txn_ts": 1711028312060000,
  "cursor": "gsGghu789",
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 1,
    "storage_bytes_read": 69,
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "processing_time_ms": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []


Streams emit one event per document per transaction.

Event order

Events are ordered by ascending txn_ts (transaction timestamp). Events from the same transaction share the same txn_ts, but their order may differ across clients.

Event types

The following table outlines supported event types.

Event type Sent when …​


A document is added to the Set.


A document is removed from the Set.

Event streams don’t emit remove events for documents deleted due to an expired TTL. Such documents are deleted lazily upon expiration.


A document in the Set changes.


A stream starts or reconnects. It’s also sent periodically to:

  • Keep the client connection open.

  • Send statistics on operations consumed by event processing, including discarded events that aren’t sent.

Event Feeds don’t receive or include status events.


A stream can no longer be consumed due to an error.

Event schema

Events with a type other than status or error have the following schema:

  "type": "add",
  "data": {
    "@doc": {
      "id": "392914348360597540",
      "coll": { "@mod": "Product" },
      "ts": { "@time": "2099-03-20T21:46:12.580Z" },
      "foo": "bar"
  "txn_ts": 1710968002310000,
  "cursor": "gsGabc123",
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 8,
    "storage_bytes_read": 208,
    "compute_ops": 1,
    "processing_time_ms": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

status event types have the following schema:

  "type": "status",
  "txn_ts": 1710968002310000,
  "cursor": "gsGabc123",
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 0,
    "storage_bytes_read": 0,
    "compute_ops": 0,
    "processing_time_ms": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []

error event types have the following schema:

  "type": "error",
  "error": {
    "code": "invalid_stream_start_time",
    "message": "Stream start time 2099-09-05T14:27:10.100Z is too far in the past. Recreate the stream and try again."
  "stats": {
    "read_ops": 0,
    "storage_bytes_read": 0,
    "compute_ops": 0,
    "processing_time_ms": 0,
    "rate_limits_hit": []
Field name Type Description



Event type: add, remove, update, status, or error.

Event Feeds don’t receive or include status events.



Document that triggered the event. FQL values are encoded using the tagged format.

The status and error event types don’t include this property.



Contains an error for the stream. Only error event type includes this property.

Field name Type Description



Code for the error. Error codes are part of the API contract and are safe to write programmatic logic against.

See Error codes for a list of possible error codes.



Human-readable description of the error.



The related transaction’s commit time in microseconds since the Unix epoch.

The error event type doesn’t include this property.



Cursor for the event. If a stream disconnects, the Fauna HTTP API and client drivers can use the cursor to replay events that occurred after the cursor. See Restart from an event cursor.

The error event type doesn’t include this property.



Event statistics.

Field name Type Description



Transactional Read Operations (TROs) consumed by the event.



Amount of data read from storage, in bytes.





Event processing time in milliseconds.



Operations that exceeded their rate limit. See Global limits.

Error codes

The following table outlines possible error codes for error events.

Error code Cause


An internal error caused by Fauna.


The requested stream start time is too far in the past. The collection containing the stream’s document Set doesn’t retain enough history to replay requested events. See Restart a stream.


The authentication secret used to create the stream token was revoked or the secret’s privileges changed. See Permission changes.


The stream attempts to process more than 128 events at once, exceeding the event limit.


The stream would replay more than 128 events at once, exceeding the event limit.

Costs and performance

A stream’s cost and performance are closely related to its shape. A stream’s shape is defined by:

Processing and sending events for streams consume Transactional Read Operations (TROs) and Transactional Compute Operations (TCOs).

The exact number of TROs and TCOs consumed varies based on the stream’s shape. See Event Streaming subscriptions in the billing docs.

Depending on its cardinality and throughput, consuming a stream for a large Set may cause delays in event delivery and consume more operations.

If a stream replays events, it may also consume additional operations.

Each stream event includes statistics that report consumed operations. If you exceed your Fauna’s or your plan’s operations limit, Fauna closes the stream with an error event.

How filters affect costs and performance

Streams may discard events based on filters.

For example, a stream with the following query uses a filter to only emit events for Product documents with a category of produce:

let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
  .where(.category == produce)

To do this, Fauna processes an event for any change to any Product document. It then discards events for documents without a category of produce. These discarded events still consume operations for your account.

To track changes on a large Set, we recommend using an index stream.

For example, the following stream emits events similar to the previous one. However, it only tracks the index’s terms and values fields:

let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()

Another source of discarded events is privilege predicates in roles. For example, the following role uses predicates to grant its members read and write access only to Product documents with a category of produce:

role ProduceManager {
 privileges Product {
   write {
     predicate ((product, _) => product?.category?.name == "produce")
   read {
     predicate (product => product?.category?.name == "produce")

A stream token created using an authentication secret with this role only emits events for documents the role can access. Other events are discarded. These discarded events still consume operations for your account.


  • Operation limits apply to event streams.

  • While processing events, Fauna runs one query per transaction.

  • A stream can’t replay or process more than 128 events at a time. If a stream has more than 128 events to process, Fauna closes the stream with an error event.

  • You can’t create streams for:

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