Fauna CLI commands

fauna add-endpoint

Adds an endpoint to query databases.

fauna cloud-login

Adds a Fauna endpoint with login credentials.

fauna create-database

Creates a database.

fauna create-key

Creates a key to access a database.

fauna default-endpoint

Selects an endpoint configuration entry as the default endpoint.

fauna delete-database

Deletes a database.

fauna delete-endpoint

Deletes an endpoint entry from the configuration file.

fauna delete-key

Deletes a database key.

fauna endpoint add

Adds an endpoint to .fauna-shell.

fauna endpoint list

Lists endpoints in .fauna-shell.

fauna endpoint remove

Removes an endpoint from .fauna-shell.

fauna endpoint select

Sets the default endpoint.

fauna environment add

Adds an environment to the .fauna-project file.

fauna environment list

Lists environments available in .fauna-project file.

fauna environment select

Updates the default environment in .fauna-project file.

fauna eval

Runs an FQL query.

fauna help

Displays the Fauna CLI help.

fauna import

Imports JSON files, CSV files, or directories into a collection.

fauna list-databases

Lists child databases.

fauna list-endpoints

Lists connection endpoints.

fauna list-keys

Lists keys in the current database.

fauna project init

Initializes a directory as a Fauna project by generating a .fauna-project file.

fauna run-queries

Runs the queries from a file.

fauna schema abandon

Abandons a staged schema change.

fauna schema commit

Applies a staged schema change to the database.

fauna schema diff

Prints the diff between local, staged, or active schema.

fauna schema pull

Pulls a database’s remote .fsl schema files into a local schema directory.

fauna schema push

Pushes a local directory of .fsl schema files to Fauna. By default, stages a schema change.

fauna schema status

Prints the build status of a staged schema change.

fauna shell

Starts an interactive Fauna session to run queries.

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