Check out v4 of the Fauna CLI

v4 of the Fauna CLI is now in beta.

The new version introduces enhancements to the developer experience, including an improved authentication workflow. To get started, check out the CLI v4 quick start.


This section contains step-by-step tutorials that walk you through common Fauna patterns and use cases.

In this section

Perform basic operations

Learn Fauna’s data model and common FQL query patterns using code from a sample to-do application.

Set up a project using FSL and the Fauna CLI

Set up an application project using the Fauna CLI and FSL schema files.

Progressively enforce a document type

Use collection schema and zero-downtime migrations to progressively define and enforce a document structure.

Build an end-user authentication system

Implement end-user authentication in Fauna using credentials and user-defined functions (UDFs).

Control access with ABAC

Control access to data using attribute-based access control (ABAC) and user-defined functions (UDFs).

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