fauna schema push

fauna schema push [flags]

Push a local directory of .fsl schema files to a database. By default, stages the schema.

You can’t use a staged schema change to delete or rename schema. Instead, delete or rename the schema in a separate unstaged schema change.

The command runs in the context of a single database, specified using --database or --secret. If using --secret, the command runs in the database to which the secret is scoped.

Specify the local directory using --dir.

Use --active to immediately apply the local schema to the database’s active schema. This skips staging the schema. However, If the local schema includes index definition changes, related indexes may be temporarily unavailable due to index builds.


-u, --user <string>

CLI user to run the command as. You must first log in as the user using fauna login. Defaults to default. See Interactive login.


Use a local Fauna container.

If not otherwise specified, this flag sets:

--url <string>

URL for Core HTTP API requests made by the command. Defaults to https://db.fauna.com.

--secret <string>

Secret used for authentication. Supports scoped keys. The command runs in the database to which the secret is scoped.

If the secret is a key secret with the admin role, you can pass this flag with --database and an optional --role to create and use a scoped key that impersonates a role on a child database. See Scoped keys.

--account-key <string>

Fauna account key used for authentication. If used, you must also provide a --database and an optional --role. See Account key authentication.

Can’t be used with --user or --secret. If --account-key and --user are specified, --user is ignored.

-d, --database <string>

Database, including the region group identifier and hierarchy, to run the command in. Supports shorthand region group identifiers. Separate path components using /. Examples: us/my_db, eu/parent_db/child_db, global/db. Can’t be used with --secret.

If using a local Fauna container, omit the region group.

-r, --role <string>

Role used to run the command. Defaults to admin. Can’t be used with --secret.


Enable color formatting for output. Enabled by default. Use --no-color to disable.


Output results as JSON. This flag doesn’t affect error output.

--json has no effect for this command.


Suppress all log messages except fatal errors. Output only command results. Overrides --verbosity and --verbose-component.

--config <string>

Path to a CLI config file to use. If provided, must specify a profile.

-p, --profile <string>

Profile from the CLI config file. A profile is a group of CLI settings.

--verbose-component <array>

Components to emit logs for. Overrides --verbosity.

Accepts the following values:

  • argv

  • config

  • creds

  • error

  • fetch

Pass values as a space-separated list. Example: --verbose-component argv config.

--verbosity <number>

Least critical log level to emit. Accepts integers ranging from 1 (fatal) to 5 (debug). Lower values represent more critical logs. Log messages with a level greater than this value are not logged.

-h, --help

Show help.


Show the Fauna CLI version.


Prompt for user input. Defaults to true. To disable prompts, use --no-input.


Immediately apply the local schema to the database’s active schema. Skip staging the schema.

If the local schema includes index definition changes, related indexes may be temporarily unavailable due to index builds.

--fsl-directory, --dir, --directory <string>

Path to a local directory containing .fsl files for the database. Recursively scans subdirectories. Defaults to the current directory (.).


# Stage schema changes for the 'us/my_db' database.
# If schema is already staged, replace the staged schema.
fauna schema push \
  --database us/my_db \
  --dir /path/to/schema/dir

# Stage schema changes for the database scoped to a secret.
# If schema is already staged, replace the staged schema.
fauna schema push \
  --secret my-secret \
  --dir /path/to/schema/dir

# Immediately apply changes to the 'us/my_db' database's
# active schema.
fauna schema push \
  --database us/my_db \
  --dir /path/to/schema/dir \

# Run the command without prompts
fauna schema push \
  --database us/my_db \
  --dir /path/to/schema/dir \