fauna endpoint add

Learn: Endpoints

Adds an endpoint to the .fauna-shell configuration file.


fauna endpoint add <NAME> [--help] [-y | --no-input]
  [--secret <value>] [--set-default] [--url <value>]


The add-endpoint command adds an endpoint to the .fauna-shell configuration file. If you don’t provide a URL or secret, you’re prompted for them, and they are written to the configuration file.

fauna cloud-login is the preferred way to add an endpoint. Use endpoint add to add a non-standard endpoint, such as when using the Fauna Dev Docker image.


Argument Description


Endpoint name.

The Fauna CLI identifies the URL scheme, domain, and port and includes those values in the new endpoint entry that it creates in the configuration file.


Option Description

-y, --no-input

Disable interaction.


Help for endpoint add command.


Authentication secret. Overrides the secret in .fauna-shell.

Use a scoped key to interact with a child database using a parent database’s admin key.

For example, with a parent database’s admin key secret of fn123, you can access a child database by appending the child database name and role: fn123:childDB:admin.


Sets this environment as the default environment.


Database URL.


fauna add-endpoint


fauna endpoint add
fauna endpoint add localhost --url http://localhost:8443/ --key secret
fauna endpoint add localhost --set-default