fauna shell

Start an interactive Fauna session to run queries.


fauna shell [<DB_PATH>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment <value>]
  [--file <value>] [--format json|json-tagged|shell] [--output <value>]
  [--secret <value>] [--stdin] [--timeout <value>] [--typecheck]
  [--url <value>] [--version 4|10]


The shell command starts an interactive query shell for sending Fauna database queries.

By default, this command supports FQL v10 queries. For FQL v4 queries, use the --version 4 option.

FQL v4 access

Fauna accounts created after August 21, 2024 can’t use --version 4 or otherwise run FQL v4 queries.

You can’t use this command to run queries against a parent or peer database.


Argument Description


Database path.


Option Description


Connection endpoint from .fauna-shell.


Environment to use, from a Fauna project.


Name of file with queries to run.


Output format:


Help for run-queries command.


File to write output to.


Authentication secret. Overrides the secret in .fauna-shell.

Use a scoped key to interact with a child database using a parent database’s admin key.

For example, with a parent database’s admin key secret of fn123, you can access a child database by appending the child database name and role: fn123:childDB:admin.


Read file input from stdin. Write to stdout by default.


Connection timeout (milliseconds).


Enable typechecking.


Database URL. Overrides the URL in .fauna-shell.


FQL Version:
     4 = FQL version 4
     10 = (default) FQL version 10


Start the shell:

fauna shell

At the prompt, run a query to list all collections using the FQL Collection.all() method:

  data: [
      name: "Customer",
      coll: Collection,
      ts: Time("2099-07-30T22:22:32.945Z"),
      constraints: [
          unique: [
              field: ".email",
              mva: false
          status: "active"
      fields: {
        name: {
          signature: "String"
        email: {
          signature: "String"
        address: {
          signature: "{ street: String, city: String, state: String, postalCode: String, country: String }"
      history_days: 0,
      indexes: {
        byEmail: {
          terms: [
              field: ".email",
              mva: false
          queryable: true,
          status: "complete"
      computed_fields: {
        cart: {
          body: "(customer) => Order.byCustomerAndStatus(customer, \"cart\").first()",
          signature: "Order?"
        orders: {
          body: "(customer) => Order.byCustomer(customer)",
          signature: "Set<Order>"