
Deletes a database.


fauna delete-database DBNAME [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment <value>]


The delete-database command deletes a database.

Create a top-level database

To delete a top-level database using delete-database, you must use an authentication secret scoped to the account’s top-level context. You can create a top-level secret using the cloud-login command.

Create a child database

To delete a child database using delete-database, you must use an authentication secret scoped to the parent database.


When you delete a database, its data becomes inaccessible and is asynchronously deleted. As part of the deletion process, Fauna recursively deletes:

  • Any keys scoped to the database.

  • The database’s child databases, including any nested databases.

Deleting a database with a large number of keys can exceed Transactional Write Ops throughput limits and cause errors with a 429 HTTP status code.

Deleting a database with a large number of child databases can cause errors with a 440 HTTP status code.

To avoid throttling or timeouts, incrementally delete all keys and child databases before deleting the database. See delete all keys and delete all child databases.


Argument Description


The name of the database to delete.


Option Description


Connection endpoint from .fauna-shell.


Environment to use, from a Fauna project.


Help for create-database command.


Authentication secret. Overrides the secret in .fauna-shell.


Connection timeout (milliseconds).


Database URL. Overrides the URL in .fauna-shell.


Delete the childDB database:

fauna delete-database childDB

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