Call a function
Creating and updating a function requires:
Use the Call
ref: Ref(Collection("posts"), "300221794335326720"),
ts: 1622572664480000,
data: { title: 'First Post Title', body: 'This is my first blog post!' }
{'ref': Ref(id=300221798539067904, collection=Ref(id=posts, collection=Ref(id=collections))), 'ts': 1622572668490000, 'data': {'title': 'First Post Title', 'body': 'This is my first blog post!'}}
map[data:map[body:This is my first blog post! title:First Post Title] ref:{300221752288477696 0xc00009b8f0 0xc00009b8f0 <nil>} ts:1622572624380000]
ObjectV(ref: RefV(id = "300221738176741888", collection = RefV(id = "posts", collection = RefV(id = "collections"))),ts: LongV(1622572610930000),data: ObjectV(title: StringV(First Post Title),body: StringV(This is my first blog post!)))
{ref: ref(id = "300221779190743552", collection = ref(id = "posts", collection = ref(id = "collections"))), ts: 1622572650040000, data: {title: "First Post Title", body: "this is my first blog post!"}}
ref: Ref(Collection("posts"), "302044131605086720"),
ts: 1624310580730000,
data: { title: 'First Post Title', body: 'This is my first blog post!' }