The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

C# driver

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The Fauna open source C# driver provides the resources required to interact with Fauna for C# and Mono developers.

Current stable version



This section provides a high-level overview of working with the driver. For details on the driver API, see its documentation.


Install the Nuget package by adding the package reference to your MSBuild project:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <PackageReference Include="FaunaDB.Client" Version="4.2.0" />

or by using your IDE and searching for FaunaDB.Client.


Here is an example demonstrating how to use the C# driver to execute a simple query on Fauna:

Use the correct endpoint value for the Region Group for your database.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FaunaDB.Client;
using FaunaDB.Types;

using static FaunaDB.Query.Language;

namespace FaunaDBProject
    class FaunaDBHelloWorld
        static readonly string ENDPOINT = "";
        // NOTE: use the correct endpoint for your database's Region Group.
        static readonly string SECRET = "<<YOUR-SECRET-HERE>>";

        static void ProcessData(Value[] values)
            foreach (Value value in values)
                //do something
        static async Task DoQuery(FaunaClient client)
            Value result = await client.Query(Paginate(Match(Index("spells"))));
            IResult<Value[]> data = result.At("data").To<Value[]>();

                Success: value => ProcessData(value),
                Failure: reason => Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong: {reason}")

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var client = new FaunaClient(endpoint: ENDPOINT, secret: SECRET);


How to instantiate a Fauna FaunaClient

var client = new FaunaClient(
    endpoint: ENDPOINT,
    secret: SECRET,
    httpClient: HTTP_CLIENT,
    timeout: TIMEOUT

secret is the only required argument. All other arguments are optional.

You can also pass a custom HttpClient when creating a new FaunaClient:

// using System.Net.Http;
var http = new HttpClient();

// The default request headers can be any string values,
// but should be specific to your application.
http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Custom-Header", "42");

http.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);

var client = new FaunaClient(
    httpClient: http

See Connections for more details on creating client connections.

How to execute a query

Value result = await client.Query(Paginate(Match(Index("spells"))));

The Query method receives an Expr object. Expr objects can be composed with others Expr to create complex query objects. FaunaDB.Query.Language is a helper class where you can find all available expressions in the library.

You can also pass a TimeSpan queryTimeout argument as a second parameter when calling Query:

Value result = await client.Query(

The queryTimeout has a resolution of milliseconds. When the timeout period has elapsed, the server terminates the query and returns an error.

How to access objects fields and convert to primitive values

Objects fields are accessed through At methods of Value class. It is possible to access fields by names if the value represents an object or by index if it represents an array. Also, it is possible to convert Value class to its primitive correspondent using To methods specifying a type.

IResult<Value[]> data = result.At("data").To<Value[]>();

How work with IResult<T> objects

This object represents the result of an operation and it might be success or a failure. All conversion operations returns an object like this. This way you can avoid checking for null-ability everywhere in the code.

    Success: value => ProcessData(value),
    Failure: reason => Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong: {reason}")

Optionally, you can transform one IResult<T> into another IResult<U> of different type using Map and FlatMap.

IResult<int> result = <<...>>;
IResult<string> result.Map(value => value.toString());

If result represents an failure all calls to Map and FlatMap are ignored. See FaunaDB.Types.Result.

How to work with user-defined classes

Instead of manually creating your objects using the DSL (for example, the Obj() method), you may use the Encoder class to convert a user-defined type into the equivalent Value type.

For example:

class Product
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public double Price { get; set; }

    public Product(string description, double price)
        Description = description;
        Price = price;

To persist an instance of Product in Fauna:

Product product = new Product("Smartphone", 649.90);

await client.Query(
        Obj("data", Encoder.Encode(product))

To convert from a Value type back to the Product type, you can use a Decoder:

Value value = await client.Query(Get(Ref(Collection("product"), "123456789")));

Product product = Decoder.Decode<Product>(value.At("data"));

or using the To<T>() helper method:

Value value = await client.Query(Get(Ref(Collection("product"), "123456789")));

IResult<Product> product = value.At("data").To<Product>();
    Success: p => Console.WriteLine("Product loaded: {0}", p.Description),
    Failure: reason => Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong: {reason}")

// or even:

Product productLoaded = value.At("data").To<Product>().Value;
Console.WriteLine("Product loaded: {0}", prod.Description);

Note that in this case the return type is IResult<T>.

There are three attributes that can be used to change the behavior of the Encoder and Decoder:

  • FaunaField: Used to override a custom field name and/or specify a default value for that field. If this attribute is not provided, the member name is used instead. Can be used on fields, properties and constructor arguments.

  • FaunaConstructor: Used to mark a constructor or a public static method as the method used to instantiate the type. This attribute can be used only once per class.

  • FaunaIgnore: Used to ignore a member. Can be used on fields, properties and constructors arguments. If used on a constructor argument, that argument must have a default value.

Encoder and Decoder can currently convert:

  • Primitive scalar types (int, long, string, and others)

  • Primitive arrays, generic collections such as List<T>, and their interfaces such as IList<T>.

  • Dictionaries with string keys, such as Dictionary<string, T> and its interface IDictionary<string, T>.

Event streaming

This section demonstrates how to subscribe to change events.

The streaming API is built using the Observer pattern, which enables a subscriber to register with and get notifications from a provider. The provider is implemented in the StreamingEventHandler class, and the subscriber is implemented in the StreamingEventMonitor class.

There are two kinds of event streaming:

The code required to subscribe to each type is similar. The main difference is the type of Reference involved in the subscription, and the kinds of events that are included in the stream.

There is a cost in compute operations to hold a stream open, or to repeatedly start a stream that fails.

See Billing for details.

Document streaming

The following example subscribes to change events for a document:

            var client = new FaunaClient(
                endpoint: endpoint,
                secret: secret

            // Define a reference to the document that we want to stream
            // Note that the Scores collection must already exist
            var docRef = Ref(Collection("Scores"), "1");

            // Define a stream provider
            var provider = await client.Stream(docRef);

            // Define a task object that represents the application
            // state for streaming events.
            var done = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

            // Create a subscriber.
            // It takes three callback functions:
            // - the callback for the next event
            // - the callback for errors
            // - the callback for when the stream terminates
            var monitor = new StreamingEventMonitor(
                value => {
                exception => { done.SetException(exception); },
                () => { done.SetResult(null); }

            // Subscribe to the data provider

            // Block until we receive all of the events. For this
            // example, we wait indefinitely. Use Ctrl-C to terminate.
            await done.Task;

            // Clean up the subscription, after it terminates.

Before you run the example:

  1. Set the FAUNADB_SECRET environment variable, and optionally the FAUNADB_ENDPOINT environment variable (if you are using Region Groups or Fauna Dev).

  2. The collection Scores must exist.

Once the example is running, you can use the Fauna v4 Dashboard, or another client application, to create or update the target document and watch the events arrive as the changes are made.

For example, if the document does not yet exist, you could run this query in the Fauna v4 Dashboard Shell:

Create(Ref(Collection("Scores"), "1"), { data: { scores: [1, 2, 3] }})

Once the document exists, you could run this query:

Update(Ref(Collection("Scores"), "1"), { data: { scores: [5, 2, 3] }})

The streaming example waits indefinitely for events. Use Ctrl+C to terminate the program.

You can also extend a base class instead of passing lambda functions:

private class MyStreamingMonitor : StreamingEventMonitor
    // optionally override OnNext event
    public override void OnNext(Value value)
        // process your event

    // optionally override OnError event
    public override void OnError(Exception error)
        // process an error

    // optionally override OnCompleted event
    public override void OnCompleted()
        // process completion event

// creating a subscriber
var monitor = new MyStreamingMonitor();

// subscribe to data provider

// clear the subscription

Set streaming

The following example subscribes to change events for a set:

            var client = new FaunaClient(
                endpoint: endpoint,
                secret: secret

            // Define the reference to the target set
            var setRef = Documents(Collection("Scores"));

            // Define the stream fields to include
            var streamOptions = new List<EventField>{

            // Define a stream provider
            var provider = await client.Stream(
                fields: streamOptions

            // Define a task object that represents the application
            // state for streaming events.
            var done = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

            // Create a subscriber.
            // It takes three callback functions:
            // - the callback for the next event
            // - the callback for errors
            // - the callback for when the stream terminates
            var monitor = new StreamingEventMonitor(
                value => {
                exception => { done.SetException(exception); },
                () => { done.SetResult(null); }

            // Subscribe to the data provider

            // Block until we receive all of the events. For this
            // example, we wait indefinitely. Use Ctrl-C to terminate.
            await done.Task;

            // Clean up the subscription, after it terminates.

Before you run the example:

  1. Set the FAUNADB_SECRET environment variable, and optionally the FAUNADB_ENDPOINT environment variable (if you are using Region Groups or Fauna Dev).

  2. The collection Scores must exist.

Once the example is running, you can use the Fauna v4 Dashboard, or another client application, to add or delete documents in the "Scores" collection and watch the events arrive as the changes are made. For example, you could run this query in the Fauna v4 Dashboard Shell:

Create(Collection("Scores"), { data: { scores: [5, 6, 7] }})

The streaming example waits indefinitely for events. Use Ctrl+C to terminate the program.

You can also extend a base class instead of passing lambda functions:

private class MyStreamingMonitor : StreamingEventMonitor
    // optionally override OnNext event
    public override void OnNext(Value value)
        // process your event

    // optionally override OnError event
    public override void OnError(Exception error)
        // process an error

    // optionally override OnCompleted event
    public override void OnCompleted()
        // process completion event

// creating a subscriber
var monitor = new MyStreamingMonitor();

// subscribe to data provider

// clear the subscription