The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

Team management

Fauna’s Team Management feature allows you to invite multiple members of your team to share an organizational-level Fauna account and assign them different roles (admin, billing developer).

The Fauna Team Management feature is not be available in all pricing plans. Learn more on our pricing page.

Inviting team members

  1. Click the user icon in the upper right, then Account settings in the dropdown, then Team management in the left sidebar.

    The team management screen Fauna Dashboard

  2. Enter the team member’s email address. If the email address is already associated with a Fauna account, the error "Member is already registered in another account" is displayed. You can either:

    1. Ask the team member to change the email address associated with their existing Fauna account.

    2. If the team member’s email address is hosted with Gmail/G Suite or Outlook/Office 365, create a unique alias address by appending +<team name> to the username. For example, if the email address is, and your team name is "Project1", invite

  3. Grant the user an admin, billing, or developer role. See the next section.

  4. Once a team member has accepted your invitation, their status changes from "Invited" to "Active".

  5. You can revoke access, or resend an invitation, by clicking the vertical ellipsis to the right of the team member’s status.

Team roles

The following table provides a more detailed breakdown of the permissions available to each role, including permissions that users have only for themselves:

Action Owner Admin Billing Developer User only[1]

View other team members' email addresses, roles, and invited/active status

View, create, edit, and delete databases and data

Invite new team members

Edit team’s company name, website, and main contact

Add and update payment methods

Upgrade plans

View invoices

Edit a user’s name, email address, or password

Require MFA

1. Not a role, just permissions that users have only for themselves.