Access query logs in the Fauna Dashboard

This guide covers how to request and download query logs using the Fauna Dashboard. For more information about query logs, see Query logs.

Request query logs

To request logs for a database or region group in the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Fauna Dashboard and click Logs in the left navigation.

  2. Click Export New Logs.

  3. In the Export logs modal, select a database or region group.

  4. Use the data picker to define a UTC Start time and End time for the log interval.

  5. Click Export. Your request is confirmed.

Fauna begins processing the request. While the request is processing, In Progress is displayed for the request in the STATUS column.

Download query logs

To download query logs in the Dashboard:

  1. In the Dashboard, click Logs in the left navigation.

  2. In the STATUS column, click the download icon for the query logs.

Query logs downloaded from the Dashboard do not include queries that populate the Fauna Dashboard UI. For example, logs from the Dashboard don’t include queries used to display a list of existing collections or documents in the Dashboard.

Query logs downloaded from the Dashboard include:

  • Dashboard queries that create or write to resources, such as databases, collections, or documents.

  • User-provided queries run through the Dashboard Shell.

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