
Create an Set by applying a Function to each Set element, then flatten the result by one level.

Lazy loading:



flatMap(function: (element: Any) => Set): Set


The flatMap() method creates an Set by invoking function on each element of the calling set and flattening the resulting set one level. The Set elements are passed as a parameter to function, sequentially.

The calling set isn’t changed.

Iterator methods

FQL provides several methods for iterating over a set. forEach() and map() are similar but used for different purposes.

To perform writes on a set’s elements, use forEach(). forEach() doesn’t return a value.

To return a new set containing projected or transformed elements, use map(). map() can’t perform writes.

flatMap() works like map() except it flattens the resulting set by one level.


Parameter Type Required Description




Function to invoke for each Set element that the Set represents. Each Set element is passed to function as an argument. function must return an Set

function parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description




Set element to evaluate.

Return value

Type Description


Set of the result of calling function on each element of the calling set. The resulting set is flattened by one level.


flatmap() is similar to map(), except it flattens the resulting Set.

The following query uses map() and returns a nested set.

// Returns a set
let topCustomer = Customer.byEmail("alice.appleseed@example.com")

// Returns a nested set
topCustomer.map((customer) => Order.byCustomer(customer))
  data: [
      data: [
          id: "392698761120317504",
          coll: Order,
          ts: Time("2099-03-18T12:39:32.610Z"),
          customer: Customer.byId("392698761099345984"),

The following query uses flatmap() to flatten the returned set.

// Returns a set
let topCustomer = Customer.byEmail("alice.appleseed@example.com")

// Returns a flattened set
topCustomer.flatMap((customer) => Order.byCustomer(customer))
  data: [
      id: "392698761120317504",
      coll: Order,
      ts: Time("2099-03-18T12:39:32.610Z"),
      customer: Customer.byId("392698761099345984"),

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