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Output a debug message in the query summary and return the message in the query results.


dbg(value: A) => A


The dbg() (debug) method outputs a provided message in the summary of query responses and returns the message in the query result. In the summary, debug messages are annotated as info.

dbg() and log()

dbg() is similar to log() except that dbg() returns its message in the actual query result.

You can use dbg() inline within method calls for debugging.

Debug message template

The debug message template is:

info: <message>
at *<source>*:<line>:<column>
<line> | dbg(<message>)
       |    ^^^^^^^^^^^


Field Description


Message source.
One of:

Source Description


The dbg() call occurred in the main query body.


The dbg() call occurred in the user-defined function named <function>


Line number where dbg() is used.


Character offset in <line> where dbg() is used.


String-serialized message.


Parameter Type Required Description




Value to output to the query summary and query results.

Return value

Type Description


Returns value.


Basic example

The following FQL query uses dbg() within a collection.create() call:

let x = "key limes"

  // `dbg()` outputs its message. In this case,
  // it outputs a struct containing the `name`
  // and `stock` properties.
    name: "#{x}",
    stock: 1 + 2 + 3,

The query as a Query endpoint request:

 curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FAUNA_SECRET>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Format: tagged' \
  -d '{
    "query": "let x = \"key limes\"\n\nProduct.create(\n  dbg({\n    name: \"#{x}\",\n    stock: 1 + 2 + 3,\n  })\n)"

The message is included in the query results in data. The summary includes the query lines that called dbg():

  "data": {
    "@doc": {
      "id": "413921254218661965",
      "coll": {
        "@mod": "Product"
      "ts": {
        "@time": "2099-11-07T18:41:59.173Z"
      "name": "key limes",
      "stock": {
        "@int": "6"
  "static_type": "Product",
  "summary": "info: { name: \"key limes\", stock: 6 }\nat *query*:4:6\n  |\n4 |     dbg({\n  |  ______^\n5 | |     name: \"#{x}\",\n6 | |     stock: 1 + 2 + 3,\n7 | |   })\n  | |____^\n  |",

When unescaped, the response’s summary renders as:

info: { name: "key limes", stock: 6 }
at *query*:4:6
4 |     dbg({
  |  ______^
5 | |     name: "#{x}",
6 | |     stock: 1 + 2 + 3,
7 | |   })
  | |____^

Output a field value

  name: "debug1",
  stock: dbg(1 + 2 + 3),
info: 6
at *query*:3:13
3 |   stock: dbg(1 + 2 + 3),
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^

  id: "394873023799230528",
  coll: Product,
  ts: Time("2099-04-11T12:38:31.050Z"),
  name: "debug1",
  stock: 6

Output an object

    name: "debug2",
    stock: 1 + 2 + 3,
info: { name: "debug2", stock: 6 }
at *query*:2:6
2 |     dbg({
  |  ______^
3 | |     name: "debug2",
4 | |     stock: 1 + 2 + 3,
5 | |   })
  | |____^

  id: "394873104675897408",
  coll: Product,
  ts: Time("2099-04-11T12:39:48.180Z"),
  name: "debug2",
  stock: 6

Output a document

    name: "debug3",
    stock: 1 + 2 + 3,
info: { id: ID("394873211262599234"), coll: Product, ts: TransactionTime(), name: "debug3", stock: 6 }
at *query*:1:4
1 |   dbg(
  |  ____^
2 | |   Product.create({
3 | |     name: "debug3",
4 | |     stock: 1 + 2 + 3,
5 | |   })
6 | | )
  | |_^

  id: "394873211262599234",
  coll: Product,
  ts: Time("2099-04-11T12:41:29.835Z"),
  name: "debug3",
  stock: 6

See also

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