The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

FSL collection schema: Unique constraint definitions

Learn: Unique constraints

A unique constraint ensures a field value or combination of field values is unique for each document in a collection. Fauna rejects document writes that don’t meet the constraint.

You define unique constraints as part of an FSL collection schema:

collection Customer {
  // Unique constraint.
  // Ensures a field value or combination of field values
  // is unique for each document in the collection.
  // Supports multivalue attribute (`mva`) fields, such as Arrays.
  unique [.name, .description, mva(.categories)]

You can create and manage schema using any of the following:

Fauna stores each collection schema as an FQL document in the Collection system collection. The Collection document’s constraints field contains FQL versions of the collection’s unique constraint definitions.

FSL syntax

unique [<constraintTerm> . . .]


Member Type Required Description




Document field to constrained to a unique value.

Use mva() to constrain every element of an Array field. See Enforce unique Array values across documents using mva().


Unique constraints are applied when a new document is created or when an existing document is updated. Constraints aren’t applied retroactively to existing documents.

You can declare any number of constraints that define which Document fields must have unique values in the Collection. For example:

collection Customer {
  // Each document in the `Customer` collection
  // must have a unique `email` field value.
  unique [.email]

  // Each document in the `Customer` collection
  // must have a unique combination of `firstName`
  // and `lastName` field values. For example,
  // two customers can share the same `firstName`,
  // but they can't share both the same `firstName`
  // and `lastName`.
  unique [.firstName, .lastName]

A unique constraint can define multiple fields that must be unique in combination. If the firstName and lastName fields in the example are defined as a unique constraint, the first and last name combination must be unique for the collection.

If you create a unique constraint over more than one field, the absence of one or more fields with the presence of other fields in the unique constraint is a combination that the constraint is enforced over. In the first and last name example, if you create a user and populate only the lastName field, you can’t create another user with only the same last name, but you can create another user with the same last name if you also define a firstName field.

When one or more fields are part of a unique constraint, multiple documents can’t have the same combination of values for the constrained fields.

Enforce unique Array values across documents using mva()

Use mva() to prevent duplicate Array field values across documents in a collection. For example:

collection Customer {
  emails: Array<String>

  // Each element of the `emails` Array must be unique across all
  // documents in the collection. Duplicate elements within the same
  // document are allowed.
  unique [mva(.emails)]

Given the schema, the following document writes are rejected or accepted:

// Accepted.
let doc_1 = Customer.create({
  emails: [

// Accepted. `` is only present in this document,
// even though it's duplicated within the document.
let doc_2 = Customer.create({
  emails: [

// Rejected by the unique constraint. `` is already
// present in `doc_1`, violating the unique constraint.
let doc_3 = Customer.create({
  emails: [


Unique constraints for nested object fields

You can use unique constraints to ensure the values of nested object fields are unique across documents in a collection. For example:

collection Customer {
  address: {
    street: String?,

  // Use a unique constraint to ensure no two customers have
  // the same `street` value in the `address` object. The unique
  // constraint only enforces uniqueness for non-null values.
  unique [.address.street]

You can also enforce unique combinations of nested object field values:

collection Customer {
  address: {
    street: String,
    city: String,
    state: String,
    postalCode: String,
    country: String

  // Use a unique constraint to ensure no customers have
  // the same combination of `street`, `city`, and `state`
  // values in the `address` object.
  unique [.address.street,, .address.state]


Enforce unique Array values within a document using a check constraint

You can’t use a unique constraint to enforce distinct values within a single document’s Array field. Instead, you can use a check constraint with array.distinct() to enforce distinct values within a document’s Array field. For example:

collection Customer {
  emails: Array<String>

  unique [mva(.emails)]

  // Check constraint. `Customer` document writes are
  // only allowed if the `emails` Array field contains no duplicate values.
  check uniqueEmails (.emails.length == .emails.distinct().length)

The check constraint ensures the following document write is rejected:

// Rejected due to check constraint.
let doc_2 = Customer.create({
  emails: [



collection Product {
  unique [.name]