The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

FSL reference

Learn: Schema

This guide covers Fauna Schema Language (FSL) syntax and API. For specific FSL schema definitions, see:


FSL supports single-line and block comments as described in the FQL comments section of the language reference.

Property definition

Property definition syntax has one of the following forms:

Syntax Description

<property> <value>

Sets the property value for the item.

<property> <reference>

Relationship between the enclosing schema item and the referenced item, indicating existence.

<property> <reference> { <configuration> }

Relationship between the enclosing schema item and the referenced item, indicating existence and given a value.

Properties can be unique for a schema item or can be repeated.


An FSL schema can reference another schema by name. For example, a role schema can reference a collection by name:

// Schema for the `Customer` collection.
collection Customer {


// Schema for the `customer` role.
role customer {
  // The role references the above `Customer` collection.
  privileges Customer {