The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Learn: Tokens

Create a token without a credential or related password.


Token.create(data: { id: ID | Null, document: { *: Any } | Null, ttl: Time | Null, data: { *: Any } | Null }) => Token


Creates a token that’s tied to an identity document without a credential or related password. This method is useful for creating tokens for servers, services, and other non-user identities.

A token is a type of authentication secret used to provide identity-based access to a Fauna database. Fauna stores tokens as documents in the Token system collection.

Create token with a credential

To create a token with a credential and related password, use credential.login() instead.

You typically use credential.login() to create and use tokens as part of a Fauna-based end-user authentication system.


Parameter Type Required Description



Document fields for the new Token document.

For supported document fields, see Token collection.

Return value

Type Description


The new Token document.


  document: Customer.byId("111")
  id: "401671202234433613",
  coll: Token,
  ts: Time("2099-06-25T13:32:39.240Z"),
  document: Customer("111"),
  secret: "fn..."