The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Time methods and properties..


Time methods are provided to represent an instantaneous point in time.

Instance properties

Method Description

Get the day of the month from a Time.

Get the day of the week from a Time.

Get the day of the year from a Time.

Get the hour of a Time.

Get the minute of a Time.

Get the month of a Time.

Get the second of a Time.

Get the year of a Time.

Static methods

Method Description

Construct a Time from an ISO 8601 timestamp String.

Convert a Unix epoch timestamp to a Time.

Construct a Time from an ISO 8601 timestamp String.

Get the current UTC Time.

Instance methods

Method Description

Add a time interval to a Time.

Get the difference between two Times.

Subtract a time interval from a Time.

Convert a Time to a Unix epoch timestamp in microseconds.

Convert a Time to a Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds.

Convert a Time to a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds.

Convert a Time to a String.
