The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


String methods and properties.


String methods and properties are provided for formatting and manipulating sequences of characters.

Instance properties

Property Description

Get the length of a String.

Instance methods

Method Description

Get the character at a specified index of a String.

Convert a String to lower case using a specified format.

Concatenate two Strings.

Test if a String ends with a provided suffix.

Test if a String includes a provided substring.

Test if a String contains a substring that matches a provided regular expression.

Get the index of the first matching substring within a String.

Get the index of the first substring matching a provided regular expression within a String.

Insert a substring into a String at a specified index.

Get the index of the last matching substring within a String.

Get the substrings in a String that match a provided regular expression.

Get the indexes and substrings in a String that match a provided regular expression.

Convert a String to a Double.

Convert a String to a Int.

Convert a String to a Long.

Convert a String to a Number.

Replace a specified number of occurrences of a substring in a String.

Replace all occurrences of a substring in a String.

Replace all occurrences of substrings matching a regular expression in a String.

Replace a specified number of occurrences of substrings matching a regular expression in a String.

Get the substring between two indexes of a String.

Split a String at a provided separator.

Split a String at a provided index.

Split a String using a provided regular expression.

Test if a String starts with a provided prefix.

Convert a String to lower case.

Get a String representation of the value.

Convert a String to upper case.
