The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Learn: Sets

Reduce a Set to a single, accumulated value by applying a provided function to each element. Iterates through elements from right to left. Uses a provided seed as the initial value.


foldRight(seed: B, reducer: (B, A) => B) => B


Iterates through each element in a Set to perform a rolling operation. For example, you can use foldRight() to calculate a rolling sum, concatenate elements, or perform complex transformations.

foldRight() calls a reducer callback function on every element of the Set from right to left. The reducer function takes two arguments:

  • The accumulator that holds the running result from previous iterations. For the first iteration, a seed value serves as the initial accumulator.

  • The current element’s value from the Set.

The method returns the result of the last iteration. The calling Set isn’t changed.

Eager loading

This method uses eager loading and requires a read of each document in the calling Set. For large Sets, this may result in poor performance and high costs.

Performance hint: full_set_read

Queries that call this method on a document Set emit a performance hint, if enabled. For example, the following query:

// Use `foldRight()` to sum stock counts
let stockCounts = Product.all().map(doc => doc.stock)
stockCounts.foldRight(0, (a, b) => a + b)

Emits the following hint:

performance_hint: full_set_read - Using foldRight() causes the full set to be read. See
at *query*:3:22
3 | stockCounts.foldRight(0, (a, b) => a + b)
  |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

To address the hint, use set.take() to explicitly limit the size of the calling Set to fewer than 100 documents:

// Limit the doc Set's size using `take()`
let stockCounts = Product.all().take(20).map(doc => doc.stock)
stockCounts.foldRight(0, (a, b) => a + b)

This applies even if the original, unbounded Set contains fewer than 100 documents.

Alternatively, you can rewrite the query to avoid calling the method.

Fold family methods

FQL supports several methods for folds, which iteratively reduce a Set to a single value. These methods include:

The methods are similar but have the following differences:


Parameter Type Required Description




Initial accumulator value provided to the reducer function.




Anonymous FQL function to call on each element of the Set.

Reducer function arguments:

Parameter Type Required Description




Value returned by the previous reducer function call. On the first call, seed is passed as the accumulator.




The current element’s value.

Return value

Type Description


Result of the last reducer function call. For an empty Set, the seed is returned.


// `toSet()` converts an Array to a Set.
let set = [1, 2, 3].toSet()
set.foldRight(100, (value, elem) => value + elem)