Collection document definition

Learn: Collection schema

We recommend you use FSL to create and update user-defined collections. See Collection schema.

A collection document definition is an FQL version of an FSL collection schema.

  name: "Product",
  coll: Collection,
  ts: Time("2099-07-30T22:22:32.945Z"),
  indexes: {
    byCategory: {
      terms: [
          field: ".category",
          mva: false
      values: [
          field: ".name",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
          field: ".price",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
    sortedByCategory: {
      values: [
          field: ".category",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
    byName: {
      terms: [
          field: ".name",
          mva: false
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
    sortedByPriceLowToHigh: {
      values: [
          field: ".price",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
          field: ".name",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
          field: ".description",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
          field: ".stock",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
    sortedByName: {
      values: [
          field: ".name",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
          field: ".description",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
          field: ".price",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
  constraints: [
      unique: [
          field: ".name",
          mva: false
      status: "active"
      check: {
        name: "stockIsValid",
        body: "(product) => product.stock >= 0"
      check: {
        name: "priceIsValid",
        body: "(product) => product.price >= 0"
  fields: {
    name: {
      signature: "String"
    description: {
      signature: "String"
    price: {
      signature: "Number"
    category: {
      signature: "Ref<Category>"
    stock: {
      signature: "Int"
  document_ttls: true,
  history_days: 0


Field Type Read only Description


Name of the collection.



The Collection collection name.



Timestamp of the most recent document write.


Number of days of history to retain for collection documents. When the number of days lapses, document snapshots older than the interval are removed. Does not affect the current version of documents.

Defaults to 0 (Retain only current documents). See Document history.


Documents are deleted ttl_days number of days after their last write.

Defaults to null (Retained documents indefinitely).


FQL version of the collection schema’s computed fields. See Computed field definitions


FQL version of the collection schema’s check and unique constraints. See Check constraints and Unique constraints.


Boolean | null

If true, you can write to the ttl field in the collection’s documents.

document_ttls does not stop ttl-related deletions or affect ttl values set by the collection schema’s ttl_days field.


FQL version of the collection schema’s migrations block. See Migrations block.


FQL version of the collection schema’s index definitions. See Index definitions.


FQL version of the collection schema’s wildcard constraint. See Wildcard constraints.


FQL version of the collection schema’s field definitions. See Field definitions.


Arbitrary user-defined metadata.

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