The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.



Function.all() => Set<FunctionDef>

Function.all(range: { from: Any } | { to: Any } | { from: Any, to: Any }) => Set<FunctionDef>


Gets a Set containing all UDFs, represented as Function documents, for the database. To limit the returned Set, you can provide an optional range.

Function documents are FQL versions of a database’s FSL function schema. Function documents have the FunctionDef type. See User-defined functions (UDFs).

If Function.all() is the last value in a query, the first page of the Set is returned. See Pagination.

Staged schema

If a database has staged schema, this method interacts with the database’s staged schema, not the active schema.


Parameter Type Required Description


{ from: Any } | { to: Any } | { from: Any, to: Any }

Specifies a range of Function documents in the form { from: start, to: end }.

The Set only includes documents in this range (inclusive). Omit from or to to run unbounded range searches.

If a range is omitted, all UDFs are returned.

Range parameters

Name Type Required Description



Beginning of the range (inclusive). Must be an Function document.



End of the range (inclusive). Must be an Function document.

Return value

Type Description


Set of Function documents in the provided range. If a range is omitted, all UDFs are returned.

The Set is empty if:

  • The database has no UDFs.

  • There are no UDFs in the provided range.

  • The provided range’s from value is greater than to.


  data: [
      name: "validateOrderStatusTransition",
      coll: Function,
      ts: Time("2024-10-25T17:49:28.145Z"),
      body: <<-END
        (oldStatus, newStatus) => {
          if (oldStatus == "cart" && newStatus != "processing") {
            abort("Invalid status transition.")
          } else if (oldStatus == "processing" && newStatus != "shipped") {
            abort("Invalid status transition.")
          } else if (oldStatus == "shipped" && newStatus != "delivered") {
            abort("Invalid status transition.")