The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Learn: User-defined functions (UDFs)

We recommend you use FSL to create and update user-defined functions (UDFs). See FSL function schema.

A user-defined function (UDF) is a set of one or more FQL statements stored as a reusable resource in a Fauna database. Like a stored procedure in SQL, a UDF can accept parameters, perform operations, and return results.

Function collection

Fauna stores UDFs as documents in the Function system collection. These documents have the FunctionDef type and are an FQL version of the FSL function schema.

Function documents have the following FQL structure:

  name: "getOrCreateCart",
  coll: Function,
  ts: Time("2099-09-25T21:53:08.780Z"),
  role: "server",
  body: <<-END
    (id) => {
      let customer = Customer.byId(id)!
      if (customer!.cart == null) {
          status: "cart",
          customer: Customer.byId(id),
          payment: {
      } else {
Field Type Read-only Required Description



Name of the function.

Can’t be documents, events, self, sets, or a single underscore _, and can’t include a space character.



Collection name: Function.



Last time the document was created or updated.


Associates a runtime role with the UDF. An FQL version of the @role annotation.

By default, UDFs run with the privileges of the calling query’s authentication secret. If a role is provided, the UDF runs using the annotated role’s privileges, regardless of the secret used to call it.

The Role can be a user-defined role or one of the following built-in roles:

  • admin

  • server

  • server-readonly

The role field is typically used to give a role controlled access to sensitive data without granting broader privileges. See Runtime privileges.

Use role carefully. Use the role with the fewest privileges needed perform the UDF’s operations.



FQL function body.


Arbitrary user-defined metadata for the document.

Static methods

You can use the following static methods to manage the Function collection in FQL.

Method Description

Call a user-defined function (UDF) by its name.

Get a Set of all user-defined functions (UDFs).

Get a user-defined function (UDF) by its name.

Get the first user-defined function (UDF) that matches a provided predicate.

Get "Function" as a String.

Get a Set of user-defined functions (UDFs) that match a provided predicate.

Instance properties

Function documents have the following properties. You access the property using an existing UDF’s name.

Property Description

Get or update a user-defined function (UDF)'s definition, represented as a Function document.

Instance methods

You can use the following instance methods to manage function definitions, represented as Function documents, in FQL. You call the methods on a FunctionDef.

Method Description

Test if a user-defined function (UDF) exists.
