The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Learn: Collections

We recommend you use FSL to create and update user-defined collections. See FSL collection schema.

Create a collection.


Collection.create(data: { name: String, alias: String | Null, computed_fields: { *: { body: String, signature: String | Null } } | Null, fields: { *: { signature: String, default: String | Null } } | Null, migrations: Array<{ backfill: { field: String, value: String } } | { drop: { field: String } } | { split: { field: String, to: Array<String> } } | { move: { field: String, to: String } } | { add: { field: String } } | { move_conflicts: { into: String } } | { move_wildcard: { into: String } } | { add_wildcard: {} }> | Null, wildcard: String | Null, history_days: Number | Null, ttl_days: Number | Null, document_ttls: Boolean | Null, indexes: { *: { terms: Array<{ field: String, mva: Boolean | Null }> | Null, values: Array<{ field: String, mva: Boolean | Null, order: "asc" | "desc" | Null }> | Null, queryable: Boolean | Null } } | Null, constraints: Array<{ unique: Array<String> | Array<{ field: String, mva: Boolean | Null }> } | { check: { name: String, body: String } }> | Null, data: { *: Any } | Null }) => CollectionDef


Creates a collection with a provided collection definition, represented as a Collection document.

Collection documents are FQL versions of a database’s FSL collection schema. Collection documents have the CollectionDef type. See Collections.

You can’t create a collection and use it in the same query. Use separate queries instead.

Staged schema

If a database has staged schema, this method adds a collection to the staged schema, not the active schema.

If the database has no staged schema, using this method is equivalent to making an unstaged schema change. Changes are applied immediately to the database’s active schema.

Unstaged schema changes that trigger an index build may result in downtime where the index is not queryable.

Avoid concurrent schema changes

Concurrent unstaged schema changes can cause contended transactions, even if the changes affect different resources. This includes unstaged changes made using:

A schema change triggers a transaction that validates the entire database schema. To avoid errors, do one of the following instead:


Parameter Type Required Description




Document fields for the new Collection document.

For supported document fields, see Collection collection.

Return value

Type Description


The new Collection document.


Create a collection named Inventory without defining fields for the collection:

Collection.create({ name: "Inventory" })
  name: "Inventory",
  coll: Collection,
  ts: Time("2099-02-18T20:49:36.680Z"),
  history_days: 0,
  indexes: {},
  constraints: []

Fields can be added and changed with the document.update() and document.replace() methods.
