The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Learn: Collections

Test if a collection exists.


exists() => Boolean


Tests if a collection definition, represented as a Collection document, exists.

Collection documents are FQL versions of a database’s FSL collection schema. Collection documents have the CollectionDef type. See Collections.

Staged schema

If a database has staged schema, this method interacts with the database’s staged schema, not the active schema.

exists() vs. null comparisons

You can use either exists() or a null comparison (== null or != null) to check the existence or validity of a value. For example:

Collection.byName("Category").exists() // true

Collection.byName("Category") != null  // true

Key differences:

  • exists() returns an error if called on an unsupported value.

  • Null comparisons do not throw errors and work safely on any value.

For example:

// Declare an object. Objects don't support
// an `exists()` method.
let object = { a: "Foo", b: "Bar" }

object.exists()  // Returns `invalid_query` error

object != null   // Returns true



Return value

Type Description


If true, the Collection document exists. If false, the Collection document doesn’t exist.

