The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.


Learn: Collections

collection.definition is a deprecated. Use Collection.byName() instead.

To look up a definition using an alias, use FQL.Schema.defForIdentifier().

Get a collection definition, represented as a Collection document with the CollectionDef type.


<collection>.definition: CollectionDef


A collection’s schema, represented as a Collection document with the CollectionDef type.

Collection documents are FQL versions of a database’s FSL collection schema. Collection documents have the CollectionDef type. See Collections.

You access the .definition property using an existing collection’s name.

Definition properties

You can use dot or bracket notation to access specific fields in the definition. See Access definition properties.

Definition methods

The definition property supports collection instance methods.

Return value

Type Description


Definition for the collection, represented as a Collection document.


Basic example

// Get the definition for
// the `Customer` collection.
  name: "Customer",
  coll: Collection,
  ts: Time("2099-10-03T20:45:53.780Z"),
  history_days: 0,
  fields: {
    name: {
      signature: "String"
    email: {
      signature: "String"
    address: {
      signature: "{ street: String, city: String, state: String, postalCode: String, country: String }"
  wildcard: "Any",
  computed_fields: {
    cart: {
      body: "(customer) => Order.byCustomerAndStatus(customer, \"cart\").first()",
      signature: "Order?"
    orders: {
      body: "(customer) => Order.byCustomer(customer)",
      signature: "Set<Order>"
  indexes: {
    byEmail: {
      terms: [
          field: ".email",
          mva: false
      values: [
          field: ".email",
          order: "desc",
          mva: false
          field: ".name",
          order: "asc",
          mva: false
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
  ttl_days: 10,
  constraints: [
      unique: [
          field: ".email",
          mva: false
      status: "active"
  document_ttls: true,
  migrations: [
      add_wildcard: {}

Access definition properties

Use dot or bracket notation to access specific fields in the definition:

// Access `computed_fields` definitions for
// the `Customer` collection.
// Only returns computed field definitions.
  cart: {
    body: "(customer) => Order.byCustomerAndStatus(customer, \"cart\").first()",
    signature: "Order?"
  orders: {
    body: "(customer) => Order.byCustomer(customer)",
    signature: "Set<Order>"