The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

Performance hints

Performance hints provide actionable steps for improving an FQL query’s performance. You typically use performance hints when testing or prototyping queries in the Fauna Dashboard Shell or Fauna CLI.

Enable performance hints

Performance hints are disabled by default. To enable hints in the Dashboard Shell, toggle Performance Hints .

Enable performance hints in the Dashboard

To enable performance hints in the CLI, use the fauna query command’s --performance-hints flag:

fauna query "Collection.all().distinct()" \
  --database us/my_db \

To enable performance hints for the CLI’s REPL, use the .togglePerformanceHints REPL command. You can access the REPL using fauna shell.


As an example, Fauna emits performance hints for uncovered index queries. The following FQL query uses an index but projects fields that aren’t covered by the index definition:

// This is an uncovered query.
// `stock` is not one of the terms or values
// in the `sortedByPriceLowToHigh()` index definition.
Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh() {

In the Dashboard Shell, the result includes a performance hint, if enabled:

performance_hint: non_covered_document_read - .stock is not covered by the Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh index. See
at *query*:6:3
6 |   stock
  |   ^^^^^

  data: [

Performance hint codes

Each performance hint includes a leading code that indicates its type.

The following table provides a description of each hint type, along with examples and resolutions to address the hint.

Hint code Description Examples and resolutions


The query calls collection.firstWhere() or collection.where() on a collection. This can cause a billable read of every document in the collection.

To address the hint, use an index with a terms to look up matching documents instead.


Returned for uncovered index queries. The query uses an index but returns entire documents or field values not covered by the index.

Consider adding the uncovered fields to the index definition’s values. Then use projection or mapping to return only the fields you need.

Fauna does not return the non_covered_document_read performance hint for uncovered index queries that pass an mva() term.


The query calls an eager-loading method on a document Set. To address the hint, do one of the following:

  • Use set.take() to explicitly limit the size of the calling Set to fewer than 100 documents. This applies even if the original, unbounded Set contains fewer than 100 documents.

  • Rewrite the query to avoid calling the method.

Alternatively, the query calls set.order() on a document Set, causing all documents in the Set to be read. If you frequently run such queries, consider adding the fields used for ordering to an index definition’s values.

X-Performance-Hints header

Internally, performance hints are enabled and disabled using the X-Performance-Hints request header for the Core HTTP API’s Query endpoint. Performance hints are returned in the response’s summary. For more information, see Query summary.

Performance hints in client drivers

To reduce resource consumption, Fauna’s client drivers disable performance hints by default.

To enable use in the Dashboard Shell, the Fauna JavaScript driver includes a configuration option for performance hints. See the JavaScript driver API reference.
