Geospatial search
In this guide, you’ll use Fauna to run geospatial searches in a given area using a bounding box search pattern. The method uses latitude and longitude coordinates to find places in a radius of a provided location.
The guide uses example locations from Toronto, Canada.
Create the calculateBoundingBox()
To start, create a user-defined function (UDF) to calculate the minimum and maximum coordinates for the bounding box:
function calculateBoundingBox(
lat: Number,
lon: Number,
radius: Number):{
minLat: Number,
maxLat: Number,
minLon: Number,
maxLon: Number
let R = 6371
let radLat = lat * Math.PI / 180
let deltaLat = radius / R
let deltaLon = Math.asin(Math.sin(deltaLat) / Math.cos(radLat))
let minLat = lat - deltaLat * 180 / Math.PI
let maxLat = lat + deltaLat * 180 / Math.PI
let minLon = lon - deltaLon * 180 / Math.PI
let maxLon = lon + deltaLon * 180 / Math.PI
let cord = {
minLat: minLat,
maxLat: maxLat,
minLon: minLon,
maxLon: maxLon
Create the haversine()
Next, create a haversine()
function to calculate the distance, in kilometers,
between two geographic points using their coordinates. The function uses the
Haversine formula to account for the curvature of the earth.
function haversine(
coords1: { latitude: Number, longitude: Number },
coords2: { latitude: Number, longitude: Number }): Number
let lat1 = coords1.latitude
let lon1 = coords1.longitude
let lat2 = coords2.latitude
let lon2 = coords2.longitude
let R = 6371
let x1 = lat2 - lat1
let dLat = x1 * Math.PI / 180
let x2 = lon2 - lon1
let dLon = x2 * Math.PI / 180
let a =
Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) +
Math.cos(lat1 * Math.PI / 180) *
Math.cos(lat2 * Math.PI / 180) *
Math.sin(dLon / 2) *
Math.sin(dLon / 2)
let c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a));
let distance = R * c
Add sample data
Create a Location
collection Location {
history_days 0
index orderByLatLong {
values [.latitude, .longitude]
Add sample data for a few locations to the collection:
name: "St. Lawrence Market",
latitude: 43.6487,
longitude: -79.3716
name: "Royal Ontario Museum",
latitude: 43.6677,
longitude: -79.3948
name: "Toronto Music Garden",
latitude: 43.6366,
longitude: -79.3951
name: "High Park",
latitude: 43.6465,
longitude: -79.4637
name: "Ontario Science Centre",
latitude: 43.7163,
longitude: -79.3390
name: "Casa Loma",
latitude: 43.6780,
longitude: -79.4094
name: "Scarborough Bluffs",
latitude: 43.7064,
longitude: -79.2328
name: "Black Creek Pioneer Village",
latitude: 43.7735,
longitude: -79.5164
Query inside a radius
Run the following query to search for places in a 5 km radius of a defined location. The results only include places in the radius. Results are ordered by distance from the location.
let distanceKm = 5.0 // find all points within 5 km of the current location
// Define the current location
let latitude = 43.6532
let longitude = -79.3832
let boundingbox = calculateBoundingBox(latitude, longitude, distanceKm)
from: [boundingbox.minLat, boundingbox.minLon],
to: [boundingbox.maxLat, boundingbox.maxLon]
.longitude >= boundingbox.minLon && .longitude <= boundingbox.maxLon
.map(l => {
location: l,
distance: haversine(
{ latitude: l.latitude, longitude: l.longitude },
{ latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }
data: [
location: {
id: "396567265944797257",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T05:27:46.260Z"),
name: "St. Lawrence Market",
latitude: 43.6487,
longitude: -79.3716
distance: 1.0589651226108578
location: {
id: "396631857567891533",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T22:34:25.630Z"),
name: "Royal Ontario Museum",
latitude: 43.6677,
longitude: -79.3948
distance: 1.8628877543323947
location: {
id: "396567265945845833",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T05:27:46.260Z"),
name: "Toronto Music Garden",
latitude: 43.6366,
longitude: -79.3951
distance: 2.0794133933697307
location: {
id: "396567265946894409",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T05:27:46.260Z"),
name: "Casa Loma",
latitude: 43.678,
longitude: -79.4094
distance: 3.470709059384686
Optimizing the query
You can optimize the query in previous example. You can make
a cheap index by chunking latitude and longitude together.
Update your Location
collection to include the following index:
collection Location {
history_days 0
compute lat_floor = doc => Math.floor(doc.latitude)
index by_latitude__logitude_asc {
terms [.lat_floor]
values [.longitude]
Update the query to use the new index:
// find all points within 5 km of the current location
let distanceKm = 5.0
// Define the current location
let latitude = 43.6532
let longitude = -79.3832
let boundingbox = calculateBoundingBox(latitude, longitude, distanceKm)
let lat_range =
Set.sequence(Math.floor(boundingbox.minLat), Math.ceil(boundingbox.maxLat))
.flatMap(lat => {
lat * 1.0,
{ from: boundingbox.minLon, to: boundingbox.maxLon }
.map(l => {
location: l,
distance: haversine(
{ latitude: l.latitude, longitude: l.longitude },
{ latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }
.where(.distance < distanceKm)
data: [
location: {
id: "396567265944797257",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T05:27:46.260Z"),
lat_floor: 43.0,
name: "St. Lawrence Market",
latitude: 43.6487,
longitude: -79.3716
distance: 1.0589651226108578
location: {
id: "396631857567891533",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T22:34:25.630Z"),
lat_floor: 43.0,
name: "Royal Ontario Museum",
latitude: 43.6677,
longitude: -79.3948
distance: 1.8628877543323947
location: {
id: "396567265945845833",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T05:27:46.260Z"),
lat_floor: 43.0,
name: "Toronto Music Garden",
latitude: 43.6366,
longitude: -79.3951
distance: 2.0794133933697307
location: {
id: "396567265946894409",
coll: Location,
ts: Time("2099-04-30T05:27:46.260Z"),
lat_floor: 43.0,
name: "Casa Loma",
latitude: 43.678,
longitude: -79.4094
distance: 3.470709059384686