The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

FQL query patterns

This section includes common FQL query patterns.

In this section

CRUD and basic operations

Examples of common database operations, including document CRUD operations.

Bulk writes

Create, update, and delete collection documents in bulk using FQL queries.

Check a secret’s user-defined roles

Use user-defined functions (UDFs) to get the user-defined roles assigned to an authentication secret.

Conditional operations

Use if …​ else statements to perform conditional operations in Fauna.

Work with dates and times

Use FQL’s built-in methods to convert, search, and transform Date and Time values.

Geospatial search

Use Fauna to run searches in a provided geographic area using a bounding box.

Group by aggregations

Use FQL’s built-in fold() method to aggregate data in a way similar to SQL’s GROUP BY operation.

Group By: Aggregate data in Fauna

Learn how to get unique field values from a Set of documents.

String search

Use string searches to get documents based on a matching string or substring.
