Model relationships using document references
This guide covers how to model relational data in Fauna using document references. It covers:
Relational data in Fauna and how it’s structured
How to define, create, and resolve document references
How to model complex relationships using document references
Patterns to use and avoid when working with document references
Relational data
Relational data represents connections between different pieces of data in your database. In Fauna, you can model these relationships in two ways:
Storing a reference to a related document, similar to a foreign key in a traditional relational database.
Embedding related data directly in a parent document.
This guide focuses on document references. For information about embedding, see Embedding vs. document references.
Using document references enables complex data modeling without duplicating data. The approach combines the ease of use of document databases with the data modeling capabilities of a traditional relational database.
Create a document relationship
You can use document references to create relationships between documents. You can then use projection to dynamically resolve document references on read.
Define a document relationship
You can define and enforce document relationships using typed field definitions in a collection schema:
collection Product {
// The `category` field accepts a reference to
// a `Category` collection document.
category: Ref<Category>
Instantiate the relationship
To instantiate the relationship, include a document reference as a field value:
// Get a `Category` collection document.
let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
// Create a `Product` document that references
// the `Category` document.
name: "key lime",
description: "Organic, 1 ct",
price: 79,
// The `category` field includes a reference to
// the `Category` document as a field value.
category: produce,
stock: 2000
Fauna stores the field value as a document reference. The reference acts as a pointer to the document. The reference contains the document’s collection and document ID.
If the field is not projected, the reference is returned on read:
// An example `Product` collection document.
id: "412568482109981184",
coll: Product,
ts: Time("2099-10-23T20:20:15.150Z"),
name: "key lime",
description: "Organic, 1 ct",
price: 79,
// A `Category` document reference.
category: Category("789"),
stock: 2000
Resolve a document reference
Project the field to automatically resolve a document reference on read. Resolving a reference materializes the referenced document in results.
// Get a `Product` document and project the
// `name`, `description`, and `category` fields.
Product.byName("key lime").first() {
category {
name: "key lime",
description: "Organic, 1 ct",
// The projection resolves the `Category` document
// reference in the `category` field.
category: {
id: "789",
name: "produce",
description: "Fresh Produce"
You can use projection to resolve multiple, deeply nested relationships in a single query:
// Get a `Customer` document.
let customer = Customer.byId("111")
// Use the `Order` collection's `byCustomer()` index to get
// `Order` documents based on their `customer` value. The
// previous `Customer` document is passed to the index call.
Order.byCustomer(customer) {
// The `customer` field references the `Customer` document.
customer {
// The `items` field references a Set of `OrderItem` documents.
items {
// Each `OrderItem` document references a nested `Product` document.
product {
data: [
// Resolves the `Customer` collection document in
// the `customer` field.
customer: {
name: "Alice Appleseed",
email: ""
// Resolves the Set of `OrderItem` collection documents in
// the `items` field.
items: {
data: [
// Resolves nested `Product` documents in
// `OrderItem` documents.
product: {
name: "cups",
description: "Translucent 9 Oz, 100 ct",
price: 698
quantity: 2
product: {
name: "donkey pinata",
description: "Original Classic Donkey Pinata",
price: 2499
quantity: 1
product: {
name: "pizza",
description: "Frozen Cheese",
price: 499
quantity: 3
total: 5392,
status: "cart"
Create document references with the HTTP API
When transmitting FQL data, the Fauna Core HTTP API encodes FQL data types as JSON using one of two data formats:
Tagged format: Tags JSON values with FQL type annotations, ensuring lossless typing.
Simple format: Lossy format that converts FQL values to their closest JSON type, without annotations or transformations.
The Core API’s Query endpoint uses the simple format by default. The simple format represents document references as lossy JSON objects. These objects can’t be used to create FQL document references directly:
// Document reference in
// the simple format.
"category": {
"id": "111",
"coll": "Category"
For example, the following Query endpoint request sets the category
value to an object, not a document reference:
# The following request does NOT create
# a document reference. Instead, it sets
# the `category` field value to an object.
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Format: simple" \
-d '{
"query": "Product.byName(\"limes\").first()?.update({ \"category\": { \"id\": \"111\", \"coll\": \"Category\" } })"
Use FQL methods
To create a document reference, use an FQL method, such as
, that returns a
document or document reference and set the returned value as the field value:
# The following request uses `byId()`
# to set the `category` field value to
# a `Category` document reference.
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Format: simple" \
-d '{
"query": "Product.byName(\"limes\").first()?.update({ \"category\": Category.byId(\"111\") })"
If needed, you can interpolate any needed arguments, such as the document ID:
# The following request uses interpolated arguments.
# It's equivalent to the previous query.
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Format: simple" \
-d '{
"query": "Product.byName(\"limes\").first()?.update({ \"category\": Category.byId(arg) })",
"arguments": {
"arg": "111"
Use the tagged format
Alternatively, you can use the tagged format to pass in the document reference as an interpolated argument in the query request:
# DO:
# The following request uses the tagged format
# to pass the document reference into the FQL
# query as an interpolated argument.
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $FAUNA_SECRET" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Format: tagged" \
-d '{
"query": "Product.byName(\"limes\").first()?.update({ \"category\": arg })",
"arguments": {
"arg": {
"@ref": {
"id": "111",
"coll": {
"@mod": "Category"
Fauna’s client drivers use the tagged format to preserve FQL typing when serializing to and deserializing from JSON.
Model a complex relationship
You can use field definitions and computed fields to model complex document relationships.
Document Arrays
A field definition can accept documents as part of an Array:
collection Order {
// The `items` field accepts an Array of references to
// `OrderItem` collection documents.
items: Array<Ref<OrderItem>>
Nested objects
A field definition can accept documents as part of a nested object:
collection Customer {
// Defines the `preferences` object field.
preferences: {
// Defines the nested `store` field.
// The `store` field accepts a reference to
// a `Store` collection document.
store: Ref<Store>,
emailList: Boolean,
Set references
Sets are not persistable. You can’t store a Set as a field value or create a field definition that accepts a Set.
Instead, you can use a computed field to define a read-only function that dynamically fetches a Set:
collection Customer {
// Computed field definition for the `orders` field.
// `orders` contains a reference to a Set of `Order` collection documents.
// The value is computed using the `Order` collection's
// `byCustomer()` index to get the customer's orders.
compute orders: Set<Order> = ( customer => Order.byCustomer(customer))
If the field isn’t projected, it contains an
pagination cursor that
references the Set:
// Get a `Customer` document.
id: "111",
coll: Customer,
ts: Time("2099-10-22T21:56:31.260Z"),
cart: Order("412483941752112205"),
// `orders` contains an `after` cursor that
// references the Set of `Order` documents.
orders: "hdW...",
name: "Alice Appleseed",
email: "",
address: {
street: "87856 Mendota Court",
city: "Washington",
state: "DC",
postalCode: "20220",
country: "US"
To materialize the Set, project the computed field:
let customer = Customer
.where(.email == "")
// Project the `name`, `email`, and `orders` fields.
customer {
name: "Alice Appleseed",
email: "",
orders: {
data: [
id: "412483941752112205",
coll: Order,
ts: Time("2099-10-22T21:56:31.260Z"),
items: "hdW...",
total: 5392,
status: "cart",
customer: Customer("111"),
createdAt: Time("2099-10-22T21:56:31.104083Z"),
payment: {}
Alternatively, you can pass the after
cursor to
Set.paginate("hdW...", 2)
// Returns a materialized Set of `Order` documents.
data: [
id: "412483941752112205",
coll: Order,
ts: Time("2099-10-22T21:56:31.260Z"),
items: "hdW...",
total: 5392,
status: "cart",
customer: Customer("111"),
createdAt: Time("2099-10-22T21:56:31.104083Z"),
payment: {}
Use computed fields to create query-based relationships
You can use a computed field to create a relationship between documents based on a read-only query:
collection Customer {
// Computed field definition for the `cart` field.
// `cart` contains an `Order` collection document.
// The value is computed using the `Order` collection's
// `byCustomerAndStatus()` index to get the first order
// for the customer with a `cart` status.
compute cart: Order? = (customer => Order.byCustomerAndStatus(customer, 'cart').first())
Relationship types
You can use document references to model the following relationship types:
Relationship type | Definition | Example |
A document in one collection has only one associated document in another collection. |
A book has one author. |
A document in a collection is associated with one or more documents in another collection. |
An author writes many books. |
A document in one collection is associated with multiple other documents in another collection. A document in the other collection is associated with multiple documents in the first collection. |
A reader has many books, and a book has many readers. |
One-to-one relationship
A one-to-one relationship exists when a document in one collection has only one associated document in another collection.
// Products have a one-to-one relationships with
// its category. Each product has one category.
// Get a `Category` collection document
let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
// Create a `Product` document
// that references the `Category` document.
name: "key lime",
description: "Organic, 1 ct",
price: 79,
category: produce,
stock: 2000
}) { name, description, category }
One-to-many relationship
A one-to-many relationship exists when a document in a collection is associated with one or more documents in another collection.
// Categories have a one-to-many relationship with
// products. A category can be assigned to multiple
// products.
// Get a `Category` collection document
let produce = Category.byName("produce").first()
// Define an Array that contains data for
// multiple `Product` documents. Each `Product`
// document references the previous `Category` document.
let products = [
name: "key limes",
description: "Organic, 2 ct",
price: 1_39,
// `category` contains the `Category` document reference.
category: produce,
stock: 1000
name: "lemons",
description: "Organic, 3 ct",
price: 1_39,
category: produce,
stock: 1000
// Use `map()` to create `Product` documents
// from the previous Array. => Product.create({
// Project `name`, `description`, and resolved
// `category` fields of the `Product` documents.
})) { name, description, category }
Many-to-many relationships
A many-to-many relationship exists when a document in one collection is associated with multiple other documents in another collection and the reverse.
In Fauna, creating a many-to-many relationship requires a third collection to track the associations:
// The `OrderItem` collection creates many-to-many
// relationships between `Order` and `Product` documents.
// A product can be included with multiple orders.
// An order can contain multiple products.
collection OrderItem {
order: Ref<Order>
product: Ref<Product>
quantity: Int
unique [.order, .product]
The following query instantiates the many-to-many relationship:
// Defines data for `Order` collection documents.
let orderData = [
customer: Customer.byId('111'),
status: "processing",
customer: Customer.byId('222'),
status: "processing",
// Defines data for `Product` collection documents.
let productData = [
name: "kiwis",
description: "Organic, 2 ct",
price: 2_39,
// `category` contains the `Category` document reference.
category: Category.byName("produce").first(),
stock: 1000
name: "oranges",
description: "Organic, 3 ct",
price: 3_39,
category: Category.byName("produce").first(),
stock: 1000
// Creates `Order` and `Product` documents using
// the previous data.
let orders = => Order.create(doc))
let products = => Product.create(doc))
// Create `OrderItem` documents for
// each order and product.
orders.flatMap(order => =>
order: order,
product: product,
quantity: 1
// Return the resolved `order`, `product`, and `quantity`
// fields for each `OrderItem` document.
) { order, product, quantity }
Index document relationships
When you index a field that contains a document, you index a document reference. The reference consists of the document’s collection and document ID:
collection Product {
// The `category` field contains a reference to
// a `Category` collection document.
category: Ref<Category>
// Indexes the `category` field as an index term.
// The index stores `Category` document references.
// Example reference: Category("123")
index byCategory {
terms [.category]
An index can’t store a referenced document’s fields. An index also can’t store a computed field that references another document. See Patterns to avoid.
Query indexed document relationships
You can’t run a covered query on an indexed document reference. Projection resolves the document reference, which requires a read of the document. For example:
// An uncovered query.
// The `category` field contains a document reference,
// which can't be covered.
Product.byCategory(Category.byId("123")) {
Using indexes and computed fields can make queries on document relationships more readable and convenient. See Patterns to use.
Patterns to use
You can’t use an index to run cover queries on document relationships.
However, you can use indexes and computed fields to make queries on document relationships more readable and convenient.
Run an exact match search on a document reference
Use a document as an index term to run exact match searches on a document reference. For example:
Define an index as part of a collection schema:
// Defines the `Product` collection. collection Product { ... // The `category` field contains a reference to // a `Category` collection document. category: Ref<Category> ... // Defines the `byCategory()` index. // Use the index to get `Product` collection // documents by `category` value. In this case, // `category` contains `Category` collection documents. index byCategory { terms [.category] } }
Use the index in a projection to fetch and resolve document references:
// Get a `Category` collection document. let produce = Category.byName("produce").first() produce { id, name, // Use the `byCategory()` index to get // all products for the category. products: Product.byCategory(produce) { id, name, description, } }
{ id: "789", name: "produce", products: { data: [ { id: "444", name: "avocados", description: "Conventional Hass, 4ct bag" }, { id: "555", name: "single lime", description: "Conventional, 1 ct" }, ... ] } }
Simplify projections with computed fields
You can call an index in a computed field to simplify projections in queries that resolve document relationships.
The following extends the previous example:
Define the collection schema:
// Defines the `Product` collection. collection Product { ... // The `category` field contains a reference to // a `Category` collection document. category: Ref<Category> ... // Defines the `byCategory()` index. // Use the index to get `Product` collection // documents by `category` value. index byCategory { terms [.category] } } // Defines the `Category` collection. collection Category { ... // Defines the `all_products` computed field. // The field calls the `Product` collection's // `byCategory()` index. compute products: Set<Product> = ( category => Product.byCategory(category) ) }
Update the previous query’s projection to use the computed field:
// Get a `Category` collection document. let produce = Category.byName("produce").first() produce { id, name, // Project the `products` computed field instead of // directly calling the `byCategory()` index. products { id, name, description, } }
// The results are the same as the previous query. { id: "789", name: "produce", products: { data: [ { id: "444", name: "avocados", description: "Conventional Hass, 4ct bag" }, { id: "555", name: "single lime", description: "Conventional, 1 ct" }, ... ] } }
See FSL collection schema: Computed field definitions |
Index an Array of document references
Use mva()
(multi-value attribute) to index an array of document
references. For example:
Include the array field in an index definition. Wrap the field accessor in
:// Defines the `Store` collection. collection Store { ... // The `product` field contains an Array of references to // `Product` collection documents. products: Array<Ref<Product>> ... // Defines the `byProduct()` index. // Use the index to get `Store` collection // documents by `products` value. index byProduct { terms [mva(.products)] } }
Use the index in a projection to query:
// Gets a `Product` collection document. let product = Product.byName("avocados").first() // Uses projection to return `id`, `name`, and `stores` fields // for the `Product` collection document. product { id, name, // Uses the `byProduct()` index to get all stores // that contain the product in the `products` field. stores: Store.byProduct(product) { id, name, products } }
{ id: "444", name: "avocados", stores: { data: [ { id: "12345", name: "DC Fruits", products: [ { id: "444", coll: Product, ts: Time("2024-11-01T17:11:54.200Z"), name: "avocados", description: "Conventional Hass, 4ct bag", price: 399, stock: 1000, category: Category("789") }, { id: "555", coll: Product, ts: Time("2024-11-01T17:11:54.200Z"), name: "single lime", description: "Conventional, 1 ct", price: 35, stock: 1000, category: Category("789") } ] }, ... ] } }
Patterns to avoid
An index can’t store a referenced document’s fields. Avoid index definitions that attempt to index these fields.
Don’t index fields of referenced documents
Don’t attempt to use an index to store fields of a referenced document:
// Defines the `Customer` collection.
collection Customer {
// The `address` field contains a reference to a
// `Address` collection document.
address: Ref<Address>
// Fauna can't index the previous `Address` document's
// `city` field. The `city` field references another document.
index byCity {
terms []
// Defines the `Address` collection.
collection Address {
street: String
city: String
Don’t index computed fields that reference other documents
Don’t index a computed field that references another document:
// Defines the `Customer` collection.
collection Customer {
// The `address` field contains a reference to a
// `Address` collection document.
address: Ref<Address>
// The `city` computed field gets the previous
// `Address` document's `city` field.
compute city = ((customer) =>
// Fauna can't index the computed `city` field.
// The field references another document.
index byCity {
terms [.city]
collection Address {
street: String
city: String
Don’t index the IDs of document references
When a field contains a document reference, index the field rather than the referenced document’s ID:
// Defines the `Product` collection.
collection Product {
// The `category` field contains a reference to
// a `Category` document.
category: Ref<Category>
index byCategory {
terms [.category]
// Fauna can't index the previous `Category` document's `id` field.
index byCategoryId {
terms []
Delete document relationships
To delete a document relationship, remove the field that contains the document reference. Removing the field does not delete the referenced document. For example:
// Updates a `Product` collection document.
// Removes the `category` field, which contains a
// reference to a `Category` collection document.
// Removing the `category` field does not delete
// the `Category` document.
category: null
Dangling references
Deleting a document does not remove its inbound document references. Documents may contain references to Nulldocs — documents that don’t exist. These are called dangling references. For example:
// Gets a `Product` collection document.
// Use projection to return `name`, `description`, and `category` fields.
Product.byId("111") {
// The `category` field contains a reference to a `Category` collection document.
name: "cups",
description: "Translucent 9 Oz, 100 ct",
// If the referenced `Category` collection document doesn't exist,
// the projection returns a NullDoc.
category: Category("123") /* not found */
Perform a cascading delete
A cascading delete is an operation where deleting a document in one collection automatically deletes related documents in other collections.
Fauna doesn’t provide automatic cascading deletes for user-defined
collections. Instead, you can use an index and
to iterate through a
document’s relationships.
In the following example, you’ll delete a Category
collection document and
any Product
documents that reference the category.
Define an index as part of a collection schema:
collection Product { ... category: Ref<Category> ... // Defines the `byCategory()` index. // Use the index to get `Product` collection // documents by `category` value. In this case, // `category` contains a reference to a `Category` collection document. index byCategory { terms [.category] } }
Use the index and
to delete the category and any related products:// Gets a `Category` collection document. let category = Category.byId("333") // Gets `Product` collection documents that // contain the `Category` document in the `category` field. let products = Product.byCategory(category) // Deletes the `Category` collection document. category?.delete() // Deletes `Product` collection documents that // contain the `Category` document in the `category` field. products.forEach(.delete()) // Returns `null`