Data modeling best practices

This guide covers best practices for modeling data in Fauna.

Use indexes for commonly accessed data

Indexes are the most important and effective tool to increase performance and reduce the cost of your queries.

Avoid uncovered queries whenever possible. To reduce document reads, include any frequently queried fields in indexes.

See Indexes

Use computed fields to reduce storage

If you’re storing a large amount of data, you can use computed fields to reduce storage where applicable.

Computed fields aren’t part of the original document or persistently stored. Instead, the field’s value is computed on each read.

To avoid unneeded computes on read, use projection to only request computed fields when needed in queries.

See Computed field definitions

Use schema to progressively enforce document types

Use a collection schema’s document type to check the presence and type of document field values on write. You use document types to enforce enumerated field values and allow arbitrary ad hoc fields.

If your application’s data model changes, you can use zero-downtime migrations to add field definitions for ad hoc fields and normalize field values. This lets you move from a permissive document type to strict one (or the reverse).

See Schema

Validate data with constraints

Use constraints to validate field values using predefined rules.

For example, you can use a unique constraint to ensure each end user has a unique email address.

Similarly, you can use a check constraint to apply other business logic. For example, you can ensure:

  • age field values are greater than zero

  • Projects are scheduled in the future

  • Purchases don’t reduce a user’s balance to a negative number

See Unique constraints, Check constraints

Use ttl for document retention

Use the optional ttl (time-to-live) document metadata field to automatically clean up completed or obsolete documents. ttl sets an expiration timestamp for the document.

Set a default retention period for a collection’s documents using the collection schema's ttl_days field.

See Document time-to-live (TTL)

For multi-tenant apps, use a child database per tenant

You can use FQL queries or the Fauna CLI to programmatically create a child database per tenant. Databases are instantly allocated.

Using child databases lets you build multi-tenant applications with strong isolation guarantees. Each database is logically isolated from its peers, with separate access controls. You can manage all tenants from a single parent database.

Avoid creating a collection for each tenant. Collections don’t offer strong isolation or separate access controls. A database can only contain 1,024 collections.

Use CI/CD to manage schemas across databases

An FSL schema is scoped to a single database and doesn’t apply to its peer or child databases.

If you have a multi-tenant application, you can copy and deploy schema across databases using FSL and a CI/CD pipeline. See Manage schemas with a CI/CD pipeline.

Avoid concurrent schema changes

Concurrent schema writes in the same database can cause contended transactions, even if the changes affect different schemas. This includes schema changes made using:

A schema change triggers a transaction that validates all schemas for the database. To avoid errors, perform schema changes sequentially instead.

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