.NET/C# quick start

Use Fauna’s .NET/C# driver to query e-commerce demo data in a .NET app. The driver requires .NET 8.0 or later.


  1. Create a database with demo data

    Log in to the Fauna Dashboard, and create a database with the following configuration:

    • Region group: Choose your preferred region group, which determines where your data resides.

    • Use demo data: Enabled.

    • Enable backups: Disabled.

    Leave the other options as is.

    Create demo database

  2. Create an authentication secret

    Fauna supports several types of authentication secrets. Create a key, which is a type of secret, with the built-in server-readonly role:

    1. In the Dashboard’s Explorer page, select your demo database.

    2. In the database’s Keys tab, click Create Key.

    3. Choose a Role of server (read-only).

    4. Click Save.

    5. Copy the Key Secret.

    Create a key

  3. Set the FAUNA_SECRET environment variable

    Set the FAUNA_SECRET environment variable to your key’s secret. Fauna’s client drivers can access the secret from this variable.

  4. Install the .NET/C# driver

    Create a new directory for your app and install the .NET/C# driver:

    mkdir app
    cd app
    dotnet new console
    dotnet add package Fauna
  5. Create a basic app

    In the app directory, edit the Program.cs file and replace the code with the following:

    using Fauna;
    using Fauna.Exceptions;
    using static Fauna.Query;
        // Initialize the client to connect to Fauna
        // using the `FAUNA_SECRET` environment variable.
        var client = new Client();
        // Compose a query using an FQL template string.
        // The query calls the `Product` collection's
        // `sortedByPriceLowToHigh()` index. It projects the `name`,
        // `description`, and `price` fields covered by the index.
        var query = FQL($@"
          Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh() {{
        // Run the query.
        var response = client.PaginateAsync<Dictionary<string, object?>>(query);
        await foreach (var page in response)
            foreach (var product in page.Data)
    catch (FaunaException e)
  6. Run the app

    Run the script from the app directory. The script prints a list of e-commerce products from the demo data in the terminal.

    dotnet run