Check out v4 of the Fauna CLI

v4 of the Fauna CLI is now GA.

The new version introduces enhancements to the developer experience, including an improved authentication workflow. To get started, check out the CLI v4 quick start.

Migrating from v3 of the CLI? See the CLI migration guide.

Vercel integration

The Fauna integration for Vercel lets you easily create and connect a Fauna database to your Vercel projects.

Before you start

To set up the integration, you’ll need a Vercel account with one or more projects.

Add Fauna to a Vercel project

  1. Log in to the Fauna Dashboard. You can sign up for a free account at

  2. In the same browser, log in to

  3. Go to

  4. Click Add Integration.

  5. In the modal:

    • Select an account, if prompted.

    • Select the projects to add the integration to.

    Then click Continue.

  6. If prompted, accept the required permissions and click Add Integration.

  7. In the modal, create a new Fauna database or select an existing database for the project(s).

  8. Click Install.

Environment variables

The integration sets two environment variables on install:

  • FAUNA_DB_DOMAIN: The domain used to route requests to Fauna.

  • FAUNA_ADMIN_KEY: A key for the Fauna database. The key has the built-in admin role for the project’s Fauna database.

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