The Fauna service will be ending on May 30, 2025.

For more information on the service wind down, see our announcement and the Fauna Service End-of-Life FAQ.

Auth0 integration

This guide covers how to configure Auth0 as an access provider for a Fauna database.

Once set up, end users can log in to Auth0 to create a JWT for your client application. Your application can use the JWT as an authentication secret to run queries on the user’s behalf.

Before you start

To complete this guide, you’ll need:

Get the Fauna audience

  1. Log in to the Fauna Dashboard and select your database.

  2. Select the Access Providers tab and click Create Access Provider.

  3. Copy the Audience URL.

    Don’t close the Dashboard browser tab. You’ll use it later in the guide.

Configure Auth0

  1. In a separate browser tab, log in to Auth0.

  2. In the left navigation, select Applications > APIs.

  3. Click + Create API.

  4. In Name, enter a name for the API, such as fauna-my_app.

  5. In Identifier, paste the copied audience URL.

  6. Ensure the RS256 Signing Algorithm is selected.

  7. Click Create.

  8. Click the Test tab to display the API Test page.

  9. In the CURL example, copy the --url value. Omit the oauth/token portion but include the trailing slash (/).

    Don’t close the Auth0 tab. You’ll use it later in the guide.

Configure Fauna

  1. In the Dashboard browser tab, enter a Name for the access provider, such as Auth0.

  2. In Issuer, paste the copied Auth0 API URL.

  3. In JWKS endpoint, enter the same Auth0 API URL and append .well-known/jwks.json to the URL.

    For example, if the Auth0 API URL is https://dev—​, JWKS endpoint should contain https://dev—​

  4. Click Create.

  5. In the Dashboard, update the access provider’s FSL schema to include a user-defined role:

    access provider Auth0 {
      // Adds a user-defined role to JWTs created by the access provider.
      role <role>

    Don’t change the values of the issuer or jwks_uri fields.

  6. Click Save.

Test user access

Auth0 is now ready to create Fauna JWTs. Verify that the setup works:

  1. In the Auth0 browser tab’s Test page, copy the curl example.

  2. Run the curl request in your terminal.

    The output should be similar to:

    lZG.udGlhbHMif6 pdnzxME8gaQkyxsWhurgVzQcakcnMRUJEGcb83f_lgd0tWaE-VcFcfb-SXLCFX3IcJkls9woQVcFM91

    Copy the access_token value. The value is the JWT.

  3. Use the JWT to run FQL queries as an end user in the Dashboard Shell or using the Fauna CLI. Using the CLI:

    fauna shell \
      --secret <JWT>