Indexes definition

An index definition is the indexes property of the Collection document definition with the following generalized structure:

indexes: {
  <indexName>: {
    terms: [
        field: "<fieldName>",
        mva: true | false
        ... more terms ...
    values: [
        field: "<fieldName>",
        order: asc | desc
        mva: true | false
        ... more values ...
    queryable: <boolean>,
    status: <literal>
    ... more indexes ...


You can define any number of indexes for a collection in the indexes field and indexes are differentiated by their <indexName>. An index can have the following fields and requires that at least one term field or one value field be defined.

Property Optional Type Writeable Description




Term definition list. A term defines exact match criteria. See terms.




Value definition list. A value describes a discrete or range value to match on. See values.




Index build status:

  • Building = Index build underway. Indexing many documents takes time.

  • Complete = Index build completed.

  • Failed = Index build failed.

The index build process executes asynchronously so indexes can’t be built or rebuilt instantaneously.




Index query status:

true = The index can be used in queries while the index status field is Building.
false = The index can’t be used in queries while the index status field is Building.


Terms are an Array of zero or more field definitions for document values that are used for equality comparisons during a search. If a given document doesn’t have values defined for all the terms, no index entry is created for that document.

The following document field types can be indexed as terms:

  • Boolean

  • Number

  • String

  • Date

  • Time

  • Arrays
    When an Array is indexed, an index entry is created for each of its elements.
    A null value is indexed only when part of an Array.

  • Document references
    A Document reference represents another document without storing the fields of the other document in the current document.

You can index the ttl metadata field as a term. The following metadata fields are not supported:

  • id

  • coll

  • ts


Every terms Array field definition is an Object:

Field Type Required Description



The document field path to use for searching. Dot notation is accepted.



Multivalued attribute flag. This field is returned only if it is set by the user to true or false:

true = Create an index entry for every array element.
false = (default) Single terms array element.

Access nested terms fields using dot notation.


terms: [
  { field: "name" },
  { field: "" }

The document field name and the city field in the address field are used for searching.


Values are an Array of zero or more field definitions for document values that are used to order index results.

When values are defined for the index, all documents are indexed including those that have a null value for the field.

You can index the following metadata fields as values:

  • id

  • ts

  • ttl

The coll metadata field is not supported.

Don’t include an ascending id as an index’s last values field. All indexes implicitly include id, sorted in ascending order, as the last values field. Including an ascending id as the last value is the same as not including it.


Field Type Required Description



The document field path to use for searching. Dot notation is accepted.



The sort order for this field:

asc = (default) sort results in ascending order
desc = sort results in descending order



Multivalued attribute flag:

true = Create an index entry for every array element. This field is returned only if it is set to true.
false = Single values array element.

Access nested values fields using dot notation.


values: [
  { field: "price", order: "desc" },
  { field: "name" }

The document field price is sorted in descending order. When there are two or more equivalent prices, the name field sorts the equivalent price results by the name field.

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